“I’m fine. Just tired after a late night.”
“You’re fine?” He continues to stare so intently and pointed that I have to look away. “Please, Lainey?”
With his tone full of warmth, I can’t help but look back at him, not even bothering to hide my confusion. “Why do I feel like you know something?” I ask just as a traffic controller frantically waves us off, letting us know we’ve outstayed our welcome.
Waving back, I pull out of the pickup bay as a realization hits me and I groan. “Did Luke call you?”
“I’m not sure he called about you specifically. But he was out in front of your apartment when I called him back.”
“And now you’re here?” A sharp pang radiates through my chest followed by an overwhelming feeling of panic. Thomas is supposed to bemydistraction. I don’t want him turning things back on me and yet, knowing that he cares has my heart pounding.
“Yeah, I’m here. For you. But have you called Luke back? He was pretty worried.”
“We’ve spoken.”I can’t believe I made him that panicked. I’m so stupid.
“Good. Now, do you want to tell me what happened? I want to help.”
I feel his eyes on my face but take a second before I answer. “If you want to help, I know something you can do.”
I consider how to ask what I want and then an idea comes to mind. “I need to forget, and you’re going to help me.” I throw his words back in his face since it’s the exact thing he once asked of me, then watch out of the corner of my eye as he hesitates.
He opens his mouth to speak—probably argue—but closes it again and sighs. “Okay, where should we go?”
“Well, where are you staying?” I ask, automatically heading toward the city. “Are you back at the same hotel?”
Though I’m not looking his way, I can see Thomas cringe, drawing my attention. “I actually haven’t booked anything yet. I was thinking…your place?” He winks and it’s so adorable that I’d laugh if it didn’t mean I had to tell him about Heath.
“We can’t go to my place,” I state plainly, my focus solely on the road.
“Okay.” He huffs out a strange sound between a sigh and a laugh. “Why?”
“I don’t live alone.”
“So?” He raises an eyebrow, confused.
“So, I, uh…live with a guy and—” Thomas’s eyes widen comically and this time I do laugh, only it’s more out of pain than anything else. “I live with my ex.”
“The guy you just broke up with.”
“Well, it’s been over a month now, but yep, that’s the one.”
“Okay. Umm…I guess it’s not any of my business but, uh…are you hooking up again?”
“No, definitely not. And itisyour business. Nothing’s going on, but full disclosure…”
“I’d love that, thanks.” From the way his nose scrunches in disgust I’d say he doesn’t love that at all, but I roll with it anyway.
Taking a deep breath, I try to keep a straight face as I tell him. “We were on and off for a while but have been completely off since the day of the bowling alley.”
“And…” He releases the word so slowly it makes me shiver.Dammit, Thomas.I think I’d prefer it if he was ragey. This version of questioning is freaking me out.
“He wants to get back together. He wants more.”
“Jesus, Lainey.” He runs a hand through his hair, sighing in frustration. And there’s the reaction I expected. “Why are you still living there?”
“Because I’m going away soon, remember?” I raise my brows. “It’s not worth it to find somewhere else for such a small amount of time.”