I’m in my room an hour later when Heath comes home, and by the time I walk into the living room to say hi, he’s on the couch playing video games with his headphones on.
Yet, somehow he senses me.
“Lainey, you’re home.” He removes the headphones and jumps up before walking over and curling his arms around my waist. “Have you been home long?” he asks with a smile. “I thought you were heading out.”
“I was but Luke stopped by.”
Heath scoffs as he sits on the barstool behind me, pulling me into his lap. I shoot him a smile as I untangle myself from his grip and step out of reach.
“What’s that about?” I ask, hoping it will distract him from my obvious need to be away from him.
Heath sighs. “He doesn’t want us together,” he says without looking me in the eye. “He’s been very vocal on that topic.”
Yeah… about that.
“Heath.”How do I put this nicely?“I think it’s time we stopped seeing each other.”
“The fuck? What the hell did Luke say?”
“What?”Oh shit.I timed that badly. “It wasn’t Luke. I’ve been thinking about this for a few weeks and…”
“Is that why you won’t touch me?”
Yep. Among other reasons. “I think it’s better to end things now since I’m leaving.”
“In five months.”
“It doesn’t matter. This isn’t going anywhere, and I’d rather we didn’t get any more attached to each other.”Or rather, I don’t want him to get more attached to me.
“Don’t do this, Lainey. I need all the time we have together.”
I huff out a laugh as I roll my eyes. “You say that like you’re in love,” I joke while my insides squirm at the thought.
“Maybe I am.”
What?My eyes widen and I stare at him in silence, putting us in a torturous standoff until he turns away. “Goddammit, Heath.”
“I know.”
“I don’t…”God, how did this happen?“I don’t…” I don’t love him. I never have. We just worked…until we didn’t.
I drop onto the stool next to his as he sighs again. “I know that too.”
Of course he does, because I’ve never pretended. But this certainly complicates things.
I release a long, slow, drawn out breath making Heath laugh nervously. “Do you want me to move out?” I ask, my chest tight with anticipation. Even if he says no, Ishouldmove out. It’s not right to stay here. But God, it makes life hard for me. “It might be easier and—”
Heath starts shaking his head before I’ve finished my sentence. “No, this is ameproblem. But, if there’s any chance…”
I close my eyes, needing the brief moment of respite.No. There’s no chance. There never was. Heath’s not the first “boyfriend” I’ve had. There have been a few. And while I refuse to even think about one of them, I couldn’t get past the “like” stage with the others either.
“No. I’m sorry. I just don’t feel that way.”
“I don’t think I ever will.”
His face drops before he jumps up and takes a few steps away from me, like I’m poison. “Okay, Lainey. Whoever he is, I hope he’s a good guy.”