Page 50 of A Sky Full Of Stars

Drink in hand, the girls drag me to the dance floor, both rubbing themselves against me, one grinding her ass into my cock while the other rolls her body into me from behind.

It’s all I’d usually want, but my mind won’t stop racing as I move in time to the beat, only stopping to refill my cup.

The minutes tick by, but I couldn’t say for how long, except I now have sweat pouring down my back and I need air. I take a step out away from the madness, ready for a much-needed break when one of the girls grabs my arm, her long nails digging into my muscles as she rises to her toes. “I think we should find a room,” she whispers in my ear, trying to break through the music.And I hear her loud and clear.My eyes flash to her friend, wondering who’s the better choice, and they both smile. “All of us,” she confirms before biting down on the red-painted flesh of her lip.Things just got a lot more interesting.

“Well, isn’t this my lucky night?” I smile. “I’ll be right back.”

I set off to grab my things, cursing when my shoulder slams into the edge of a door, ignoring the techno beat still thumping in my head. I’ve just rounded the corner, when I find my old teammate Dylan stepping out into the hall, and my eyes light up as my smile widens. He wasn’t going to come tonight, and it’s great to see him. “Hey, Dylan, my man,” I say, lifting my hand for a fist bump.

Dylan leaves me hanging, and instead he shoots me a vicious scowl before shoving me against the wall. “Was it you?” he yells in my face. “Did you hurt her?”

Hurt her?

“What the fuck, Dylan? What are you talking about? Who?” I try to shove him back, but he’s gained some strength since I last saw him, or maybe I’m weaker. I can barely stand up.

“Summer?” he yells again, getting right in my face, making me dizzy. “Did you cause those scars?”

I must be drunk. This can’t be real. I didn’t think he knew Summer.

“What scars? What—” He doesn’t let me finish, cutting me off as he pushes me harder. I guess he’s trying to hurt me, but I’m so numb, I can’t feel any pain.

“Don’t play dumb,” Dylan snaps, his eyes ablaze with anger. “Thescarsall over herback.”

“Her back?”Is he fucking kidding me?“Dylan, whatever she said is bullshit.” It’salwaysbullshit. I’m so sick of getting caught up in her lies and secrets. Dad always said she was trouble, and I never believed him. At least not at first. She was sixteen, and I knew her—she wasn’t sleeping around. At least I didn’t think she was.

But then she left and instead of talking to me about it, she openly flirted with her conquests, showing me that Dad was right. And I had to hear about it…constantly.

I grip Dylan’s forearms and push back, but it’s useless. I can’t move him.

“It’s not bullshit, you asshole,” Dylan snaps, but I’m done. I’ve spent too long wrapped up in Summer’s mess. “I’ve seen them. I—”

“Wait…” I cut him off, my wavering mind tuning back in to what he’s saying. It all makes sense now. Dylan’s just another one of her guys. “You’ve fucked her, haven’t you? Did she suck you in? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for her?” I stare at him in anger. She ruined my parents’ life; she changed mine and the second I’m gone they all pounce on her. “I fucking warned you. I warned all of you!” I yell to no one in particular.

Dylan stares at me, a range of emotions playing on his face until he finally loosens his grip. “You claim she did something to you. So, what happened?”

It was three years ago… “I’d rather not—”

He slams me back against the wall and releases me again. “What the fuck happened?”

“She stole from my parents and ran away from home,” I blurt after years of bottling it up, and I’ve got to admit, it feels good. Not that Dylan believes me. He stares at me with a raised eyebrow, telling me I’m kidding myself.

Taking a deep breath, I huff out a laugh. “Whatever, man.” He wants to know so badly—fine. “I don’t care if you think that’s bullshit. It’s the truth. Dad said she used to sneak guys into her room and they’d fight about it. One day, actually it was the day I had the post-game party at my house, your freshman year, remember?” I pause, waiting for him to nod before I continue, referring back to the day I tried to introduce him to my dad. “Well, something happened that day, and she left. She stole their entire life savings, and instead of disappearing like a normal runaway, she chose to live here and rub it in their faces. She’s lucky they didn’t press charges. I would have. Hell, I wanted to, but they said to let it go.”They said to let it go! So messed up.“On top of all that, I have to hear about her going from guy to guy on campus. A constant reminder of what she’s done.”

My mind whirs and I feel like I’m going to throw up as my heart races. “She ruined their lives, Dylan. They were happy before, but the money and Summer leaving drove a wedge between them, and she doesn’t even care.”

Dylan releases me, and I fall back against the wall as his face drops. “I know what you’re thinking, Dylan, but you’re wrong. She’s good at showing you a different side of herself.A fake side.”She did the same to me.“I’m sorry she sucked you in; I really am.”But it’s not my problem anymore. She’s not my problem anymore.

I tap his shoulder, using it to push off so I can walk away and escape the drama. I told him she was off-limits.I told them all.

And I fucking hate it.

Luke stares at me as I pass by, but I ignore him, and even though I know the girls are waiting for me, I bypass the dance floor too, needing another drink.

As I turn the corner, I bump into someone and groan when my body slams into the wall. “For fucks’ sake,” I grate, spinning around to give them a piece of my mind, until my eyes lock on a ghost across the room. The ghost of a girl I once knew, a girl I once thought I loved.


My heart stops as the world around me spins, and when she glances back at me, I almost call out… Until she tilts her head and the light catches her jet-black hair, making me huff out a laugh. It’s not her. Just my mind playing tricks on me.