Page 34 of A Sky Full Of Stars

“Summer?” he questions, confusion in his eyes. “There’s definitely something going on with her; I just haven’t figured out what it is.”

“And you’re worried?”

“Not right now, no.” He looks between me and the window before he winces in pain. “Fuck, I should go.”

He rushes to the opening and begins to climb through before I’ve had a chance to question him.

“Thomas, wait.” I run across the room, following him out, landing on the roof just as he reaches the railing. “Thomas?” I whisper, and he pauses but doesn’t turn around, seemingly frozen on the spot.

I’m about to whisper again when he runs his hands down his face and groans out, “Fuck it,” before spinning around and covering the distance between us in two quick strides.

“Thomas, what—” He cuts me off when one of his hands sinks into my hair, the other settling at my waist. I only manage to suck in a quick breath before his mouth descends on mine, consuming me in an explosive kiss.

I fall back against the wall as he crowds my space, pushing his hand farther into my hair. My heart ramps up into overdrive as his lips explore mine, sucking, caressing, taking every part of me with his touch.

I rise to my toes, bringing us closer together, securing my arms around his neck, and when my top lifts, his large hand wraps around me, his calloused fingers brushing against my skin.

I work hard not to let a single sound escape me, nervous that if I even breathe too deeply, I’ll break whatever spell he’s under. Because while this doesn’t feel real, it’s the most alive I’ve ever felt, and I never want it to end.

The kiss continues, with our bodies aligned and every one of my nerve endings firing, but that’s nothing compared to how I feel when he runs his tongue along my lips, seeking entry. Entry that I grant him in a heartbeat.

This should have been my first kiss. This is how it was meant to be.

Thomas moves his hands to my cheeks and lifts my chin, angling my face so he can deepen the kiss. My body jolts as I lose the battle to stay quiet, moaning breathlessly against his mouth. And just as I feared, something invisible snaps, and Thomas springs away from me so fast I reach out to grab him in case he falls.

“I’m sorry,” he huffs out, stepping out of my reach. “Fuck. I’m so sorry. I’ve got to go.”

He effortlessly leaps over the railing and within what feels like seconds, he’s down the stairs and rushing around the corner of the house.

I don’t move.

I can’t.

Because the second I do, I know I’m going to wake up from a dream. That couldn’t have possibly happened. It can’t be real. I felt everything in that kiss, and only half the emotion was coming from me.

I must have imagined it.

Because if it was real, that would mean he felt the same way I do, and I can’t allow myself to think that.

I can’t allow myself to hope.

Chapter Twelve


My heart pounds in my chest as I walk away from Lainey, waiting until I’m around the corner to call an Uber.Where the hell did that come from?I can’t kiss Lainey. I shouldn’t even be here. But I couldn’t stay away.

The second I got to Luke’s party, I sought her out. She was the first person I wanted to see, the only person I wanted to tell my news to, knowing she’d share in my joy. And yet, the moment we locked eyes, all that changed, and I realized I’d rather know about her. I wanted to hear about her summer. About her life. Anything. I just wanted to hear her voice.

But then she mentioned that guy and… Fuck, that guy. I’ve never felt jealousy like that before.

I had a stunning woman on her knees in front of me, unzipping my pants, and I told her to get up. I. Told. Her. To. Get. Up.What the hell was that?

I can’t explain it. I didn’t even know Iwantedto kiss Lainey.

Yes, I’m aware of how beautiful she is, and I think about her all the time, but she’sLainey. My friend’s little sister, my best friend, my girl…Jesus.God, I’m such an asshole. Lainey and I are supposed to be friends, and I had to go and kiss her.
