Page 32 of A Sky Full Of Stars

“So? All we did was kiss. If Mom didn’t care, neither should you.”

My sometimes nice, sometimes an asshole big brother felt the need to tell Mom that he caught me and Jace kissing. Lucky for me, she promised not to tell Dad, and actually got excited. “Your first kiss?” she’d gushed and while I’d prefer not to have had that conversation with her, it was kind of a nice bonding moment.

But there wasnotongue. It was nothing like how Luke explained it. I pulled away not long after our lips met because it didn’t feel right. Not that I told Luke that.

“I guess I should be happy we’re home now,” he says with a grin. “You can go back to focusing on school and dance. You’ve got plenty of time for boys.”

“You’re such an ass,” I huff, folding my arms over my chest—a little out of anger and a lot out of embarrassment.

“Thomas, back me up here,” he continues, and I swear he’s asking for trouble.

Thomas raises his hands in the air and laughs, but it’s not his usual chuckle. “I want nothing to do with this. I’ve got enough little sister issues to worry about.”

I glance his way but he subtly shakes his head, tellingmenot to take on his worry. Of course, I ignore him, making a note to bring it up if we get another moment alone.

Luke and Thomas chat about college after that, and I’m sure I'm supposed to leave, but since I was sitting here first, I use that as my excuse for staying.

After about thirty minutes, something gets Luke’s attention across the room, and he excuses himself to walk away.

The second he’s gone, I let out a nervous giggle. “So that wasn’t awkward at all,” I joke. “I can honestly say my heart stayed firmly lodged in my throat.”

“Why?” Thomas asks with an edge to his voice.

“I was waiting for the moment he figured us out.” My brow furrows. “You know…waiting for the ah-ha moment if you will.”

“So, you weren’t nervous that he brought up your date?”

“My date?” God, I do not want to talk about that. “Okay, yes. I didn’t love that,” I say honestly, because I struggle to lie to Thomas—withholding information being the exception.

“Again, why?” he repeats but this time his voice is softer.

“I have no idea. I guess I’m still processing it myself.”

“Was he a good guy? He didn’t pressure you or anything?”

“God, no. I mean, yes.” Thomas’s brows shoot up before his face morphs into one of anger. “What I mean is thatyes,he is a good guy, andno,he didn’t pressure me.”

Thomas visibly relaxes, but there’s a different air about him. “That’s good, I’m glad.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For caring.” I nervously cup my glass, staring down at the liquid.

“Of course I care,” Thomas whispers loudly, drawing my attention. “Without even realizing it was happening, or why, you’ve become my closest friend. I care about you. A lot. I want to see you happy. And when you talked about the lake, your face lit up like I’ve never seen before. I’m glad you had someone who helped contribute to that.”

My heart shatters as Thomas cements his platonic feelings for me while making me like him even more. I was kidding myself for thinking I could ever kiss someone else and get over him. And though his words are breaking me—I’m one of his closest friends;he’shappy because another guy mademehappy—how am I ever going to get past this?

“Thank you, Thomas. I get it, I’m the same. I usually feel like I can tell you anything. It just felt weird talking about Jace with anyone.”

We don’t talk about other people. Ever. Thomas doesn’t tell me what he’s doing and I’m grateful for that. But I’m not naive. I know I’m not the only girl he spends time with. Only I can guess he does more with them than just talk.

“I understand and I’m glad you’re happy.”

Luke comes back shortly after that and drags Thomas away, taking him over to two girls in tight dresses standing by the door, both with breasts bursting out of the tops. I glance down at my almost flat chest and chuff out a laugh. Yet another reason I need to move on… Thomas has tastes and those tastes aren’t me. I will never look like that. My body wasn’t built that way, and it’s never bothered me before.

But now…a jealous feeling hits me as they flirt right before my eyes, and when Thomas whispers something in one of the girls’ ears, I force myself to look away.