Without him, I never would have stepped back onto that stage, and without him, I wouldn’t have considered walking through this door. But I’m happy I did.
“It’s beautiful, Thomas.” The art deco style makes me think of the speakeasy, and I can’t help but smile. “Are we meeting the owner?”
As I ask, my eyes bounce around the room, taking in the finishings, the light, the warmth. It’s incredibly inviting.
“You are the owner,” Thomas states plainly, drawing my attention.
“I’m what?”
My jaw drops and he chuckles before spinning me to face him, his gaze turning serious.
“It’s just a building, Lainey. If it’s not what you want, we’ll find a way to repurpose it. Joel mentioned that Delilah’s been looking for a bigger warehouse for her clothing business, and in the future, Lucy might want to branch out on her own and will need a physical therapy room. It doesn’t have to be a dance studio. Like I said, it’s just an option.”
Guilt gnaws away at me as I swallow down the emotion clogging my throat. Thomas has given me this highly romantic, not to mention expensive present, and I can’t even say for sure it’s what I want.
Ten years ago, this would have meant everything to me, and I wish I still felt that way. Especially now. But I’m only just starting to dance again.
“Before you decide, there’s one more surprise.”
“Wait, hear me out. I know I only mentioned it briefly, but I’ve been looking for a new agent, and well, Dylan introduced me to a sports agent he knew, Seth.”
“Okay.” I have no idea where he’s going with this, unless… “Are you moving again?” My pitch rises, failing to hide my nerves.
“What?” Thomas’s eyes widen. “No, of course not. Storm is my team. I’m mentioning Seth because his daughter wants to dance—shehasdanced. But she, uh…she hasn’t been treated very well in the past and—”
“You thought I’d be able to relate to her.” A tension tugs at my heart, but he’s right.
“Yes.” He cringes. “Is that bad?”
“No.” I shake my head frantically. “God, no. But I don’t even know what I’m doing here.”
“I know. She just wants to meet you. If you decide not to teach dancing then maybe you can offer her advice.”
“Okay.” I can do that.I think.“Is she here now?”
“She will be. I also invited a couple of other friends.”
Like clockwork, a man looking to be in his late thirties walks in holding hands with a little girl around twelve, and following are Wes and Katie, then Cory and Addie. I can’t help but smile as I watch them through the glass windows, and when I catch Katie wearing a Storm football jersey and a tutu, I bark out a laugh.God, I love her.
“Did they ask to come along or were they coaxed?” I turn to Thomas, my thoughts on Katie mentioning she wanted to be a football player.
Thomas raises his hands in the air. “It was all them. I swear.”
Katie and Addie are the first to run into the room, with Addie twirling and Katie leaping into Thomas’s arms, while the older girl hovers near the entry.
“Would you like to join us?” I ask, keeping my smile warm and giving her the space to ease into things.
She smiles back at me before her apprehensive expression moves to the man I’m assuming is Seth. It takes one knowing look and an encouraging nod before she steps in.
“Hi, I’m Bailey,” she says, bouncing on her toes as she holds out her hand for me to shake. “And I have cerebral palsy.” The words slip easily from her mouth, and it fills me with warmth as I place my hand in hers.
“Hi Bailey, I’m Lainey. It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Thank you.”
“I hear you want to dance?”