Page 161 of A Sky Full Of Stars

As always, I hide my feelings and continue to smile as the kids play and we chat, but when Josh starts to yawn, I make my move.

“That’s my cue,” I say, gesturing to Josh. “It was great catching up with you both.”

“I’ll be seeing you again in an hour,” Joel says, making my brows furrow while he laughs. “I’m popping over to have a drink with Dylan. We invited Nate, but he’s too busy with his girls.”

Nate huffs, unperturbed. “I only get weekends to spend with Cory and Addie, so Imake the most of it.”

After saying our goodbyes, I drive home, and the tension in my chest tightens as a deeper understanding hits me. Thomas mentioned he felt lonely, and I didn’t get it. But now I see. He may spend his time surrounded by teammates and friends, but have any of them tried to understand him, or asked if he’s okay?

Luke calls when I’m almost back, and because I haven’t slept there since I found out he knew about Thomas and me,andI haven’t answered his millions of calls, I finally give in. If I’m being honest, I think I’m answering because all the talk about family has made me miss him.

But… “What do you want, a-hole?” I’m still not letting him off easy. “Also, little ears warning.”

“Noted. And I deserve that. I’ve had time to think, and I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry.” My eyes widen.Well, call me shocked.“Did that really just come out of your mouth?”

“Yes, but in my defense, Thomas told me not to tell you, and I genuinely thought you were happy without him.”

“So why not tell me when I mentioned I was working with Summer?”

Luke curses but it’s mumbled, so I don’t tell him off. “A little part of me thought that was for fun. I knew something you didn’t know. Kind of like you teasing me about your job.”Dammit. I can’t hate him for that. “Have you seen him much?”

“I have.”


“We’re talking things through. It’s been a long time and…we’re talking.” That’s all Luke needs to know. He’s not a relationship guy…at all. So he’d undoubtedly tune out anyway.

“Good, I’m glad you’re trying to work things out, and I give my wholehearted permission for you to date.”

“What the actual beep?” I want to sayfuck, because his comment definitely deserved it, but I can’t. Luke bursts out laughing, and I realize he’s joking. Thank God.

“Thomas is a good guy. He did me a solid right after you left, and he cares about you. A lot. Like he’d-risk-his-careercaresabout you.”

I know he’s referring to their little trip to find Travis, but I want to see if he’ll tell me. “What does that mean?” I ask, holding back a smile in case he hears it in my voice. “And why do I feel like you’re up to something?”

Luke laughs. “I’m not up to anything. Now. But trust me when I say, that man would move mountains for you.” My heart melts even though I’m starting to understand that too.

“Can you stop talking around whatever it is you’ve got to say?”

“Nope,” he pops thep. “But maybe one day.”

I roll my eyes and wish he was here so I could punch him in the shoulder. He’s still keeping secrets.What a little shit.I’m about to hang up on his ass when his annoying little voice rushes to speak, knowing me well. “Don’t hang up. Can we talk? Can you come over? Shadow misses you too.” As if he trained her to make me feel guilty, she barks on cue as he begs. “Please,Lainey.”

Dammit. How can I say no to that?

“Okay, Luke. I’ll be home Monday. It’s my day off.”

“Good. Thank you. Talk then.”

“We will. And make sure your latest hookup is gone by the time I arrive,” I rush out before he hangs up, making him laugh even louder.

“Oh, Care Bear. You say that like I let them stay over.”

He chuckles as I disconnect the call, shaking my head with a laugh. I can’t wait for the day he falls in love.

Josh is asleep when I pull in, but since he only just nodded off, I have about five minutes for the sweet spot transfer. And I thank the lucky stars when it works. I’ve just closed his door when I hear soft music coming from the kitchen and the sound of Thomas singing along.