Page 159 of A Sky Full Of Stars

As promised, Thomas snuck me out of his room, watching me as I rushed across the yard wearing only his tee, using the spare pool house keys that Summer showed me on my first day. Not that I needed to rush because Summer was still gone. When she returned a little while later, she quietly handed Josh over before disappearing into her office, never saying a word. And I haven’t seen her since. I’d be worried if she hadn’t awarded me a genuine and thankful smile as she walked away. Though, I don’t like seeing her stressed.

Josh and I have been playing quietly for an hour, when he starts banging his toys together, choosing his loudestpossession to entertain him. My eyes flash to Summer’s closed door and I cringe. I can’t imagine it’s easy to be a mom and compartmentalize enough to write, or do anything for a living, but she’s giving it a go, and I want to help in any way I can.

“How about we go to the park, Joshie? Want to go for a swing?”

Josh’s eyes light up and he bangs his toys louder, so after quickly packing a bag of food and water and a change of clothes, we say our goodbyes to Summer and head off.

I’ve just reached the car when I realize I left Josh’s diaper bag behind. “Oh no. I forgot your bag.” I bop Josh on the nose and spin around. “Come on, back we go.”

I’ve barely taken a step when I hear movement behind me and spin with a startle. “I’ve got him,” Dylan says, coming out of nowhere. “Are you going somewhere?”

“Oh yes, we’re off to the park. Aren’t we, Josh? I think Summer needs some peace and quiet. She’s got a lot to do…” I trail off because I’m sure this isn’t new information to him.

Dylan frowns as his eyes flash toward the house, but he doesn’t say anything. “Why don’t you run back in for the bag. I’ll stay here with Josh. I’ve got a minute before I have to leave again.” He reaches for Josh, and my chest warms when Josh’s adorable face lights up with a grin. “Hey, buddy,” he says, his attention locked on his son. “Are you going to the park?”

As I walk away, it’s impossible not to smile at Dylan’s one-sided conversation. It still blows my mind to think of Summer and Dylan having kids…and Joel…and Nate. Luke’s the same age, and he can barely look after himself. And it’s the same for Thomas; he’s never even mentioned wanting kids of his own. Not that we’ve spoken about it. He may not have even thought of it. I know I haven’t. It’s never been my dream to be a mom, but I haven’t ruled it out either. It’s one of those thingsI’ve put in the “future Lainey” basket and tried to forget about. Just like figuring out what I’m going to do with my life.

When I get to the back of the house, I slide open the glass door and pause at the threshold, the sound of a tense conversation pulling me up short.

“I’m not upset that you did it,” Summer says, the emotion clear in her voice. “I’m upset that you did it behind my back.”

“I didn’t know she was going to do that,” Thomas responds, his tone pleading. “I never asked her to.”

A shiver runs through me as I panic. Did I completely misread her mood? Was it me all along?Oh God. She knows.

My face scrunches as I decide what to do. I need Josh’s bag, but I don’t want to risk one of them hearing me.

“I honestly thought you’d want to know.” Thomas’s voice drops, and my heart sinks for him. “Summer, please. I’m sorry.”

A silence fills the air and I freeze, terrified to move until they start talking again.

“I’m sorry too,” Summer finally says, and I release a sigh as though I’m the one she’s talking to.

“What are you going to do?” Thomas asks, but I don’t wait to hear anymore, tiptoeing into Josh’s room to grab the bag before sneaking back out the door, slowly sliding it closed behind me.

The second the breeze hits me, I relax, but when I look up, Dylan’s watching me curiously, his brows raised in question. “Uh…sorry.” I glance back at the house, unsure what to tell him. “I just walked in on a private conversation,” I say to keep things short.

Dylan tenses, his gaze moving to where mine has just been. “Is everything okay?”

“I…I’m sure it will be.” I’m actually not sure at all, but how can I answer that? I don’t want him running inside guns blazing after Thomas, but I also don’t want to lie. “Maybe give thema minute?” I shrug and Dylan nods as he opens the car door, buckling Josh into his car seat.

“You take off,” he says after shutting Josh’s door. “I’ll text Summer before I go inside.”

I raise an eyebrow, not even bothering to hide my skepticism, and Dylan laughs. “I didn’t say I’d wait for her to respond.”

Yep, I saw that coming.But I get it. He’s worried about Summer. Just like I’m worried about Thomas.

“Good luck,” I say before getting into the car, but God, I hope it’s not needed.

As soon as I walk through the gates to the park, I spot a familiar figure and cringe. Turning away, I lower my face to hide from where Nate is pushing a little girl on the swing, hoping he hasn’t seen me. I glance down at Josh in his stroller, practically leaping out of his seat, and a little part of me wishes I could leave. Only he loves it here and we can’t go home.

What Icando is plead ignorant. To pretend I haven’t seen him.

Moving toward the grass area, I make it five steps before someone calls out, but it doesn’t sound like Nate. No, the voice sounds suspiciously like…

“Joel, hi,” I say with a forced smile as I look their way. “Oh and Nate. You’re both here.”

With no other choice, I spin the stroller around and head back in their direction. “Is this a playdate? Or can anyone join?” I ask as I reach them, trying to hide my nerves.