Page 127 of A Sky Full Of Stars

“I really don’t—”

“Please,” they say in unison, and it’s a little creepy.

“Should we talk about this? Don’t you want a resume or something?”


There’s another question lingering on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t ask it.What about Thomas? How am I going to look after your son and avoid Thomas?

“You’d get somewhere to stay,” Dylan adds with a cheesy grin, and I deflate. I had to go and mention that I was currently living with Luke and didn’t particularly enjoy it. A live-in nanny. They want me to be alive-in nanny.

Pros… I’d have a job and I just lost a job. I’d have somewhere to live and be away from the bachelor pad. I love kids. Dylan and Summer have always been good to me, and I’d probably get to see Joel if they’re all still friends.

Cons… Thomas. Summer is Thomas’s sister. Thomas is Summer’s brother. Thomas.Thomas. Thomas.

“Can I think about it?”

Dylan frowns until Summer slaps him in the chest. “Yes, of course. Take as long as you need. We’ll make things work until you decide.” Dylan’s eyes flash her way, but her smile remains. “Ignore him. We’ll wait.”

They’ll wait. I only have to think about one thing and yet, that could take a lifetime. What’s the likelihood of running into Thomas when he lives in Seattle? And how will I feel if I do?

Aweek later, I pick up my keys from the table and rush out the door.Shit. Shit.Day one and I’ve already failed.

I dial Summer’s number in a panic, and she answers on the first ring. “I got your message; it’s an easy mistake.”

“Summer, I’m supposed to be helping you.”

She laughs, and the calmness to her tone settles my nerves. “You are helping. Today was just a coffee to go over a few things.”

“Yes, but I’m not there, am I?”

“Again, it’s not a problem. How about we all have dinner tonight? You’re moving in today, right?”

“I was, if that’s okay?” I decided to move into the pool house part time, only on the days I’m working, decreasing my chances of seeing Thomas. If Dylan and Summer aren’t home, then Thomas has no need to be there either.

“Of course, that works for dinner. I’ve got some running around to do, but I’ll be home around three if you need a hand.”

My eyes flash to the back seat of my car, taking in the lone bag that sits there, and I can say with absolute certainty I won’t need any help, but still I say, “That would be lovely, thanks.”

I’d much rather have her there to show me around than move in by myself like I own the place. It’s already strange enough.

And now that I have time to kill, I can slow down and plan the rest of my life or at least think about it…

The last week has been a whirlwind. And it all started the morning after seeing Dylan and Summer, when I was met by a very smiley Luke as we ate our breakfast.

I tried to pretend I didn’t notice, but when it got ridiculous, I couldn’t hold back.

“Spit it out. What has you looking so happy?” I ask as Luke grins, turning me off my food.

“I caught up with some of the boys from the team last night.”


“Yep. I saw Carter, Blake andDyl-an.”

Goddammit.I blow out a breath. “He told you.”

“He told me.” His smile widens, and I almost reach over the table to slap him.