Page 118 of A Sky Full Of Stars

Now, more than ever, I know I’ve helped Lainey. She needs to get far away from this place, and she needs to gonow. But no matter how I justify it, it still breaks my heart.

“Just tell me what I have to do.”NowIwant to murder someone.“But Luke, Lainey can’t know I was involved, and you need to convince her to leave as soon as possible.”

Luke’s anger stays in place, but his eyes soften ever so slightly. “Deal.”

After this, I’ll do what Lainey requested. After this, I’ll take a clean break.

But fuck, it’s going to hurt.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


When I get in my car, I pull up my messages and stare down at the image I just received, feeling the blood drain from my body.

After silently cursing, I throw my phone onto the passenger seat and put the car into drive, trying not to think about what I saw. Or what it means.

Today is not my day.

I’d been ready to fight Thomas. I was willing to do anything to make him see that we were better off facing things together, but when I opened my phone, all that changed.

I may be pissed off with him, but he gave me an out and I took it.

He’s not the only one with the protective gene. I can’t let him get caught up in this. Not if that photo gets released. I need to leave until it all blows over.

And it’ll be easier if I don’t have anyone waiting for me.

No reason to come home. No matter how hard it is.

I asked for a clean break, and now I have to stick to it.





Chapter Forty


Ismile proudly as Nengah and Putu reveal their flower paintings to the class. When I first started with this group ten weeks ago, the siblings wouldn’t even look me in the eyes, and now they’re laughing with me.

“Beautiful. Can you all say that? BYOO TUH FUHL.”

The children repeat it back to me, making my smile widen. “Nggih Becik,” I say, watching as their faces light up with praise.

I may be the one teaching them English, but they’re teaching me so much more than that—resilience for one—and I feel stronger in their presence.

Our makeshift bell rings, and the children cheer before running outside for a short break and some food, while I pack up the paint.

For the last eighteen months, this has been my home base. When I first signed up to volunteer, it was for a 24-week stint, but when that finished, I wasn’t ready to leave.

I was an absolute mess when I arrived, and when it came time to call home after the first month, it wasn’t my family I wanted to talk to.

It was Thomas.