Page 102 of A Sky Full Of Stars

“I doubt they’d even bother to put him as a contact,” I joke, when in reality, he’s probably listed above me. “I’m sorry to cut the night short. Maybe we can do this again soon?”

“I’d love that. I hope your gran’s okay.”

“She’s a fighter. She’ll be fine.”

I collect my bag and rush to the door, making it to the car before Joel calls out. “Lainey,wait!” he yells as he jogs down the steps, making his way toward me.

“I promise, I’m okay. Gran’s okay.”

“That’s good, but can I help?”

“No need. I’ve got it. But I really appreciate you organizing tonight. Seeing Summer helped ease my mind about things.”

“You werethatworried about her?”

I’m confused by his question until I remember what I was alluding to. Stuff that he doesn’t know. “I was. It’s been on my mind a lot.” That’s not exactly a lie. Summer has been on my mind more and more lately, but for a very different reason.

“Okay, well, if you need anything, you know I’m here for you.”

I eye him curiously, and for some reason I believe him. We barely know each other and yet I get the sense he’d be there for me. In any way he could be. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but surprisingly, I do.”

Joel chuckles as I get into my car. “It’s the bike, isn’t it?” he says, pointing to his beautifully restored motorcycle. “People mistake my personality. They think I’m tougher than I am.”

“No.” I laugh. “I never doubted you; I’m surprised because I don’t tend to believe people have my best interests at heart, but I feel like you do.”

Joel’s smile drops, and he steps forward until I frantically shake my head. “Don’t read too much into that. I promise, I’m good.”

I shut the door before he can say anything else and throw my car into drive, waving as I depart.

That was a shitty thing to do; I know that. But I’ll make it up to them one day. I just can’t be here now. Not when my heart’s with Thomas. Not when I know that he’s breaking.

An uncomfortable feeling settles in my chest, so the second I’m around the corner and out of sight, I pull over and call Jace. If it were any other scenario, I would have called Thomas, knowing he’d instantly put my mind at ease, but in this case, that won’t work. And Jace will be waiting for my call.

He doesn’t answer on my first try, so I hang up and call again, initiating our “this is an emergency” code. Though, I’m not sure this is the emergency he was expecting.

“Lainey,” he answers, out of breath. “Sorry, I was packing my stuff for the night shift. Are you okay?”

“Yes… No… I don’t know, Jace.”

“I need more information. Where are you? And what happened? Since when are you dating again?”

“That wasn’t a date. I was with Summer. The girl—”

“You saved.”

“Ididn’tsave her.” I roll my eyes to myself. “But yes, the same girl.”

“So, what…you didn’t get along?” He sounds confused, making me laugh.

“We got along fine. But she’s Thomas’s sister and—”

“Shit. I forgot.”

“Yep.Shit. She mentioned him tonight, and I wanted to say something but I didn’t…and I couldn’t stay anymore because he’s breaking, Jace. And she seems fine. I get that I don’t know her that well, and she’s lovely, but…”

“You’re team Thomas.”

“No, it’s not like that. I wanted to defend him. To tell her she’s missing out and that she should call him. Basically, I wanted to put my nose where it shouldn’t be, and to be honest, it made me feel out of sorts.”