And the kids are all loved.
When Joel and I reach the group, Logan eyes me curiously before his gaze alights with something comical. “Is this the first time you’ve come solo to one of these get-togethers?” he asks as he wraps his arm around Dani.
While I always hatedteenageLogan, it turns out,adultLogan isn’t so bad. At least he wasn’t before that comment.
I put on a smile before answering. “Guess I ran out of options.” I shrug while Joel and Logan laugh.
The truth is that I couldn’t keep up anymore. I’ve been bringing dates to the “Friendsgiving crew” events because itputs me on a more even playing field. Instead of feeling like I’m the only outsider, I have someone with me that I can talk to when the group launches into their moments of reminiscing. Yes, I enjoy listening to their stories, but sometimes it can get a bit much, especially when they talk about things that happened while I was being a jerk to Summer.
I always told the girls I brought with me that they were there as friends, but the group didn’t need to know that. It was easier that way.
“You expect us to believe you don’t have San Francisco’s hottest singles lining up now that you’re moving here?” Summer laughs while I shake my head.
I don’t know about lining up, but I’ve had some contact from women I used to know. Not that I answered them. “Maybe the news hasn’t spread yet.” I shrug again.
Nate eyes me curiously while the others laugh. I’m sure he’s trying to see if there’s a deeper meaning to that. And he’d be right.
“Anyway, I know what you’re all trying to do. I’m the only single one now, and I’m here to tell you—specifically you, Lucy, wherever you are—I donotwant to be set up.”
Joel throws his hands in the air, pleading his innocence, but Wes gives me a sympathetic grin. “I’m not going to lie; I’ve heard Lucy mention it.”
“Wes!” Delilah cuts in, shaking her head with a laugh. “You’re not supposed to spill Lucy’s secrets.”
“He’s twenty-eightanda professional football player. He does not need to be set up. And before you say anything, I told Lucy the same thing.”
I huff out a laugh. “Thanks for having my back.”
“Anytime. But Luce can be like a dog with a bone. You know that.”
“Yep. I’m aware. That’s why I knew this was coming.”
“Maybe you need to start bringing dates again. It might hold her off.”
I laugh with the group, but my heart isn’t in it. It’s one thing to bring a date when visiting a couple of times a year, but it’s another thing entirely to be living in the same city and bringing dates on the regular. I’m over it. I’ll have to find another way.
“Speak of the devil and she shall appear,” Dylan announces, and I burst out laughing for real this time.
“You better not let Lucy hear you saying that.” I chuckle as she approaches. “Unless you have a death wish.”
“She knows I love her, but what happens in this circle stays in this circle. Right?”
The attention moves away from me again, and I start to enjoy myself. This is my life now. I wanted to move closer to Summer so I could be a part of her family. And this is her family.
I just have to get used to the change.
When most of the kids are in bed, and the celebrations feel like they’re coming to a natural end, I book an Uber and try to sneak away. But before I’ve reached the front door, Summer’s there, pulling me to a stop.
“Are you sure I can’t convince you to stay?” she says, moving to stand in front of me, a sleepy Josh in her arms, refusing to miss out on the fun. “It seems silly for you to go to a hotel when we’ve got a spare room. Or the pool house—you know you can take the pool house.”
I can’t help but laugh as I tickle Josh’s stomach. “The pool house is nice…”
“But you’d prefer your privacy?”
“No, it’s not that.” I laugh. “But don’t you?”
She’s quick to say no, and it’s easy to see that she means it. She’d probably let me live here indefinitely if I asked.
“I’ve already booked for tonight and my stuff is there. But if I still haven’t found a place before I make the permanent move, consider me your new roomie.” I grin comically, and she laughs again.