Page 100 of A Sky Full Of Stars

“I’m sure she has lots of…”Shit. “Never mind.”

“It’s okay. I know she’s got her friend Cory and yes, she’s got Joel and Dylan. I just…”

“Wish she had you too?”

“Yeah.” He sighs.

“I’m sorry, I—”

“Nope. Don’t be sorry for me. Summer and I will work it out. One day. In the meantime, you should catch up with them. Just…don’t tell me when, okay?”

I swallow a lump in my throat and nod even though he can’t see me. “Of course.” I sigh in relief, making Thomas chuckle.

“Were you worried about what I’d say?”

“No, I was worried that the mention of her would hurt you. I’m here to make things better for you, remember? I didn’t want to make things worse.”

Thomas lets out a soft groan. “That’s not possible. You could never make things worse.”

“You don’t know that.”

He groans louder and it’s my turn to laugh. “Oh, I’m prepared to fight you on this,” he says. “You…shit.” He curses under his breath. “Lainey, I’ve got my agent waving me down. I better go.”

“Of course. Yes.” I wince. “Call me tomorrow?”

Thomas huffs out a laugh. “Just try and stop me,” he says, putting my mind at ease.

If only it was enough to relax me for tonight.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Despite talking to Thomas, I’d still been uncomfortable as I drove to Joel’s earlier tonight. But when he sent me a text, I must admit, I felt better.

Joel: Sorry if I came across a little pushy. Apparently, I’ve been known to go too far when trying to help my friends

Though I’m pretty certain he was giving me an out, his message actually had the opposite effect. I would have given anything to have a friend like Joel when I was at Jaiton—someone that wenttoofar to help me—and there’s something comforting about knowing Summer has that. Even though I don’t think Thomas does. Unless you count me.

Now, I’ve been here for an hour and I’m enjoying myself.


When I manage not to think about Thomas.

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Joel says, as he and Dylan argue over who’s the better singer. I can’t say how the topic came up, but by the defeated look on Summer’s face, it happens often.

“Do you sing?” she asks, ignoring the guys as she turns her attention to me.

“I love music,” I say with a smile. “But I’m not a singer.”

Summer’s eyes light up before she pulls me into an awkward side hug. I’m guessing she’s not a hugger, but I suppose neither am I.

“You are my people,” she says with a laugh. “Dylan kept his voice a secret for a long time, and even though he doesn’t sing that often, people know how good he is. And with Joel’s love of singing, I get asked to sing all the time. And Ido notsing. At all. I’d rather give myself a paper cut on all of my fingers.”

I burst out laughing and my heart warms. We are so alike it’s not funny. In another world I think we’d be great friends. “I feel you one hundred percent. It would take a lot for me to sing. Don’t get me wrong, I can hold a tune, unlike my brother, but I have no intention of singing publicly. Ever.”

“Ahh, Luke,” Joel says as he nods in agreement, while Dylan chuckles. “That guy sings every chance he gets.”