“Actually, we split a couple of months ago,” I tell her with a tight jaw, tracing my index finger over the indented spot where my own engagement ring and wedding band sat for so many years.
“Oh, my God. I forgot. I’m so sorry. What with all the wedding stress, it must have slipped my mind.” She puts on a fake smile and I don’t believe a word of it. “You'll find someone, don't you worry, I’ll introduce you to Chris’ friends,” she says with a patronizing tap on my shoulder and I smile weakly.
I'd rather be raked over hot coals than date a man like yourfiancé, thanks.
“I know our little librarian here doesn’t have anyone.” She points at Gabby, who clamps her mouth into a forced smile. “So what about you, Alice? Settled down yet? Found a man that can stop you partying like you’re a freshman in college?” She chuckles into her glass before she takes a sip of her drink.
Seriously, Nancy read the room.
“Oh, no. Not yet, Nancy. I hear it’s all downhill after you sayI do, and the sex turns to shit, so I'm going to hang on to my singledom and mind blowing orgasms for a little while longer.” She gives Nancy a shrug of her shoulders.
An awkward silence falls around us and I don't know what to do other than sip my cocktail and pray someone breaks it.
“Yes, well, that might be the case for some, but not me and my Chris. The man’s built like a god and has got the stamina of a racehorse.” She winks.
“You’ll meet him later,” she informs us, waving her hand around again to blind us with her ring.
“He's coming to your bachelorette party?” Ali asks, wrinkling her nose, looking between me and Gabby.
“Yes, he owns this club and his new business partners have joined him this evening.”
“Of course he does,” Ali mumbles with a sarcastic laugh.
“Anyway, enjoy the drinks and food. We are going to head to the main room soon to play some games, so get ready for some fun.”
“Yipee,” Ali mocks, but Nancy doesn’t seem to notice. She’s already clocked someone across the room and is walking away.
“God, she’s a piece of work. Someone needs to put her in her place. Thinks she's better than us. Remind me again why we came?” Ali asks, taking a drink from a passing bulter, gulping the entire thing.
“For the free drinks and to find your future husband?” I stare at her, cocking an eyebrow.
“Ah yes.” She snaps her fingers before pointing between me and Gabby. “Let's down as many drinks as we can and go find me my billionaire.”
I tilt my head back and drain the remaining liquid, saying a silent prayer.Dear God, give me the strength to make it through the evening.
Chapter Four
The music vibrates through the room and the distinct smell of high-end liquor fills the air. Women in tight gold dresses, dolled up to the nines, meander through the VIP area holding trays of champagne and tumblers of whisky.
Aurora’s is a cosy club in Manhattan, full of New York's elite. It's not my usual vibe, but I can see why it's popular.
We’ve done it. We signed on the dotted line and partnered with one of the biggest club owners in New York and Miami. When Christopher Stone approached us last year after hearing about our successful opening of The Champagne Lounge in Miami, he wanted in on the business, but after months of back and forth negotiating, we decided to start a new business venture with him.
The Boardroom is an exclusive cocktail lounge and club with a gentleman's club attached for elite members here in New York, and tonight we are out celebrating. This is new territory for myself, Brad and Harry, my business partners, but we are confident it's the right move. We have come a long way since our days in the Marine Corps.
“To the start of a beautiful friendship and the beginning of a successful new venture. Cheers.” Chris raises his glass of whiskey. The three of us follow suit and swallow down the drink in one.
Chris places a hand on my shoulder and gives it a tight squeeze. “I can't wait for you to meet my Nancy. She’ll be down in a minute.”
“She's here?” I question, searching the room, wondering why he would bring her to a business meeting.
“Yeah, she's having her bachelorette in the suite upstairs. I told her to bring the girls down to the main room for a dance. Knowing Nancy’s maid of honor, she will have planned some crazy shit for them to do, and I want a front seat to it.”
“What do you mean?” My interest peaks. “You’ll see. Tara is wild,” he says, tapping me on the shoulder before walking away.
“How much longer do we have to stay here? I've heard there is a strip club round the corner and I wanna see what the fuss is all about. I heard the girls lick whipped cream off you,” Harry says, licking his lips.