Page 4 of Loved By You

“If I'm honest, I could do with missing Nancy's bachelorette too,” Gabby groans, standing and stretching out her back. “Why are we invited, anyway? We haven’t seen her in years.”

She walks to the only free space in the room, tying her long blonde, wavy hair up in a messy bun. “It will just be the Nancy show and I could do without her waving that massive rock in my face and listening to her brag about how many orgasms her fiancé gives her on the daily.”

“No one likes a Bitter Betty, Gabriella. Quit your whining. You`re going.” Ali points at Gabby, then swings her index finger to me. “And so are you.”

She stands up, leaning on the boxes as if it's a podium and she's a lawyer about to deliver her closing argument. “We haven’t had a girls’ night out in forever. You’ve finally dumped that dickbag of a husband and you have the girls taken care of. Why would you want to stay in, crying in your granny pants, necking wine sobbing toCeline Dion, like you’re Bridget fucking Jones.”

“It's Whitney Houston actually,” I interject.

“That's irrelevant, “she declares, waving her hands. “You are now entering your hot single girl era and we are going to put you in a sexy LBD and take you to the club to party like you don’t have any worries. Got it?”

“Shit, Ri, she's gone all motivational speaker on us. We aren't getting out of this one,” Gabby whispers, sitting next me, and pulling me in for a hug.

“Fine,” I huff. “I'll go, but I’m going to see the girls at Alex’s parents’ house quickly before we get ready.”

“Deal,” Ali says, banging her hand against the box. “You go see the girls. Gabby can finish assigning heads to Barbies, because honestly, seeing those will give me nightmares.” Her body shudders dramatically. “I'll order us a Chinese takeout and pick up some hot ass dresses from my apartment and we can head out around nine,” she instructs, jumping about like an excited toddler.

“I am not doing shots. Am I clear?” I give her a harsh squint.

“Crystal," she sings songs with a thumbs up and a smirk.

I know that Ali smirk. I am going to be so hungover tomorrow.

Chapter Two


I leave Ali and Gabby at the house and make the short drive over to see my girls. Walking out to my driveway, I still forget that I changed my car. A blue Ford sits on my driveway, a little beaten and imperfect.

Like me.

But she's all mine, just like the house behind me.

Now I'm free, I can see that Alex spent most of our relationship controlling me. What I thought was Alex providing me with the dream lifestyle was actually him controlling every aspect of my life. He paid for everything. He didn't want me working, controlled the finances and gave me an allowance. He paid my phone bill, for my car and our house were solely in his name. He owned everything and made it extremely hard for me to leave. I know now I should have left when Lexi was a babyand I was aware of the first of his many affairs. My life didn't feel like my own. I was more of an asset than a partner. Everything I wanted or needed required his permission, his approval. Now I get to decide when I do things, how I do things and I honestly don't know how I spent so many years living like that. If it wasn’t for Ali and Gabby taking me in and the support of Alex’s parents, I never would have been able to get back on my feet.

I confused controlling and manipulative behavior with love and care. I wonder if this must be how a bird feels when it's freed from its cage.

I let out a long, deep breath, relaxing my shoulders, knowing I can breathe. I have space. I am free.

I pull into the driveway of Alex’s parents’ house. Pushing open my car door, my feet thud on the concrete as I walk towards the familiar front door of Alex's childhood home. This place holds so many memories, good and bad.

Flashbacks appear in my mind of the day I showed up on their doorstep to tell them I had left Alex, fearing they wouldn't want me in their life anymore and I'd lose the only stable parental figures in my life.

My body trembled as Anne held me in her arms while I sobbed. We sat on her doorstep for what felt like hours, my legs not letting me walk through the door. She stroked my hair and soothed me in that comforting way mothers do.

She promised me nothing would change between me and her. It was everything I needed in that moment and, because of hersupport, today I stand on her doorstep, my legs holding me up, feeling contentment and peace for the first time in a long time.

Knocking on the solid oak door, I instantly hear Lexis' voice in the distance. The front door flies open and tiny hands reach out to grab my legs. “Mommy!” Lexi screeches. “I've missed you. Grandpa is playing dress up with me, but he's doing the tea party all wrong. Can you tell him how to do it?” she pleads.

“Sure, sweetie.” I pick her up, wrapping my arms around her little frame and squeezing her. “I missed you too.” I move her long brown hair from her face, tucking it behind her ears. She immediately leans forward, her big blue eyes looking up at me as she rubs her nose against mine like we always do. My heart squeezes in my chest. Some days, I need their hugs way more than they need mine.

“Lexi, give your old grandpa a minute will you” I hear Alex's dad call, his voice getting closer with every word.

“Hey, Steve,” I say when he appears, as I place Lexi down. Steve is tall, built like a house thanks to all the golfing and tennis he does. Ali loves to call him a silver fox.

“Thanks again for having them. I hope they haven't been too full on.”

“Absolutely no trouble, and what have I told you about knocking? You have a key. We are still your family. Our door is always open for you and the girls, you hear me?” he says with a pointed look.