I adjust the spaghetti straps on my sparkly black dress and comb through my shoulder-length brown hair to give it a natural wave. I’ve never been one to go heavy on makeup, but I add a touch of lip gloss, mascara, and bronzer and thanks to the early spring sunshine my freckles have started to come out. I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror and don't recognize myself; for the first time in a long time, I feel good.
“You sexy bitch.” I quickly turn to see Ali standing in the doorway. “Where have you been hiding that body?” she asks, looking me up and down. I smooth my hands down my dress, making sure it’s not revealing too much.
“Does it look okay? Do I look a little slutty?” I ask her anxiously, biting down on my bottom lip.
“Yeah it is, but that's the point,” she says honestly, just like I knew she would. “You aren't a married maid strapped to the kitchen sink anymore. It's your time to find yourself again, Ri. Spread your legs and fly girl,” she declares dramatically, lifting one leg in the air.
I laugh at her ridiculous antics as I push past her to my bedroom next door, Ali following close behind.
“Don’t you mean ‘spread’ your wings and fly?” Gabby quizzes, zipping up her black bodycon dress, a perplexed look on her face.
“No, I don't. I meant spread your legs.”
“Dear God. it’s going to be one of those nights with you, isn't it?” Her eyes roll as her head shakes.
“Yep,” Ali says, popping theP. “Work has been a bitch this week and we all know what I do as a stress reliever,” she teases.
Gabby and I burst into fits of laughter and together we all chant, “Spread those legs and ride a dick.”
“Words to live by, ladies.” Ali adjusts her little black sparkly shorts and matching crop top before doing a little wiggle.
“You look amazing.” I look at her in awe. Ali has been to hell and back, and her confidence and resilience amaze me. She's our wild one, the one who can’t be tamed, but we all need a little wild in our lives.
“Cab is here in five. Let's do a shot and get this shit show on the road,” Ali calls as she heads out of the room.
Gabby huffs before saying quietly, “I'm just going to change real quick. I don't feel comfortable in this.”
“Oh, no, you don’t,” Ali shouts, as she marches back into the room. She grabs Gabby’s hand and drags her toward the mirror. “You look fucking hot. You have the body of a goddess.” She spins gabby around to show her peachy bum in the mirror. “All those Pilates classes you do, that ass needs to be showcased,”
“It’s a bit short and tight and not very me.” Looking at her reflection, she tugs at the hem.
“Gabs, you look stunning,” I reassure her.
“Look, it's got full sleeves, a high neck, and covers your ass. A nun would wear this,” Ali says, pointing as we all look in the mirror at Gabby.
Shaking my head and squinting my eyes at her, I say, “What nuns do you know?”
“None, but that's beside the point. You look hot and the cab is nearly here. You aren't changing. Stop hiding under your clothes. You're twenty-four for fuck's sake and you dress like my eighty-five-year-old grandma… And she's dead.”
I snort a laugh.That’s our Ali, as honest as a judge.
“Okay, okay.” Gabby lets out a defeated breath. “But I need two shots before we leave.”
“That’s the spirit,” Ali shouts and slaps Gabby on the ass, making her yelp.
“If you don't feel comfortable, you can change,” I whisper as we all walk downstairs to the kitchen.
She blows out a long breath. “No, Ali is right. I need to stop hiding. I shouldn't be ashamed of my body.” She rolls her shoulders back as if she’s trying to convince herself she can do this.
We enter the kitchen, where Ali is already pouring drinks. “No, Gabs, you shouldn't.” I kiss her cheek, stroking her silky black hair that she pulled into a high ponytail.
“Right, down in one, ladies,” Ali cries, holding three double shot glasses between her fingers. We each take one and clink the glasses together before downing in one.
The cab beeps outside and as I reach for my clutch from the kitchen counter, my hands begin to tremble. I haven't been out for years. I can’t remember the last time I had a night out where Alex wasn’t there.
“Ri, where's your head gone. Tell me,” Ali asks, obviously sensing my nerves.
“This is my first night out as a single woman. I don't know how to be single. I don't know how to be without him.” I admit, my voice a little unsteady.