Page 28 of Heartless

“Listen, someone’s coming here soon. You’re going to get caught, and this won’t end well.”

“Lie to me again! Nobody’s coming here. You’re closed for the evening. That fucking open house is all you had today!”

“How would you know it?”

“You’ve been posting about it on social media, your website, and across town.”

“But how do you know about me? What made you decide to target me of all people?”

Laughing, he says, “You don’t think I know who you are? You’re married to one of those Maxwell people. Used to work for his daddy and...well, never mind that. I’m not doing anything more than helping myself to a slice of the pie. Why should only ten percent of the world live the way you Maxwells do? Bet John and David Maxwell would shit bricks to know that someone like me was taking something from them.

“You know John and David?” I ask incredulously, trying to keep him talking.

If I can just keep him talking, maybe he’ll get distracted long enough for me to slip away somehow.

“Fuck nah. I’ve done nothing more than clean the bathrooms at their downtown offices,” he says.

“Did they mistreat you or something? Is that why you’re doing this?”

“No,” he scoffs. “Bastards don’t even know me. Never even seen me. Men like them walk past guys like us and never notice that we exist. The Maxwells, the Huntleys, and the Beischels. The elite of South Carolina. Fuck, the Maxwells are the elite of the entire east coast! Why wouldn’t I come after that family? They’ve fucked over so many people I can’t believe that I’m the first one to target your family. You just happened to be the easiest one for me to get to. The rest of them live their lives behind those iron gates with armed guards at their buildings. You’re the only one with easy access.”

A chill runs down my spine, and I think about my father’s warnings. As much as I want to push them away, all I hear are the words that he spoke to me the week before my wedding.

“Baby, getting involved with people like the Maxwells will bring nothing but heartache and trouble. Wealth ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Everyone will want a piece of you, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it. As long as you carry that last name, trouble will come your way. Men like Johnathon Maxwell step on other people. Because of that, people will always be looking to hurt them. They won’t be able to get close to him so they’ll settle for the second best...his family; his children, grandchildren, and in-laws. You mark my words.”

“Listen. I’m a Maxwell by marriage only. I wasn’t born into the family.”

“I know that, but your husband, Onyx Maxwell, was. He’s another one that screws people over.”

“ do you know him?”

“I don’t personally know him just men like him. You don’t think that I see the news reports? When he’s buying up smaller companies, he’s putting people out of work. He doesn’t keep those employees on. He uses them for a while, then gives them aseverance packet and sends them on their way. Fucks their lives over in the process and don’t give a shit about them, lady.”

“Material goods don’t make or break me. I just want you to take what you want, and please leave. Just don’t hurt me,” I say, taking off my wedding ring and my watch and handing them to you.

He snatches them and looks them over before shaking his head and tossing them back at me.

“I ain’t got time for that shit! I need cash, and I need it fast. Don’t wanna be bothered with no pawn shops.”

“You could—”

He slaps me. “Just shut up! I can’t fucking think with all your yapping!”

The chemical taste of blood fills my mouth as I bite my tongue from the hit. Pain rocks throughout my head, and I close my eyes, trying not to weep.

I cannot show a sign of weakness because I know that he’ll pounce on it.

He starts mumbling to himself and pacing back and forth. He’s trying to get his next fix, and I have no idea who’s coming down here to meet him. I pray that person isn’t high either, but more than likely, they will be.

My prayer is that I don’t end up dead at the end of this ordeal.

I pray that I have the strength to keep a clear head and make it through this.

Time seemed to stop as we waited for this person to show up. I heard my phone ringing a couple of times in the distance. I wonder if it’s Onyx, Kaia, or maybe even Mak.

None of them would think to come looking for me. Onyx has left town anyway so he wouldn’t be a good help to me.

An hour passes before I hear a banging noise at the front door of my studio.