“One Kissby Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa. She’s one of my favorite artists,” she says with a wink.
“This is the last one,” I say as I move in time to the music with her.
Halfway through the song, I notice that her movements slow down and although she’s not moving as fast as the beat is, she somehow is still in sync with the music. Her arms reach up and loop around my neck, and those beautiful, large brown eyes pin me into place.
She’s got me wrapped under some damn spell, and I’m lost in her movements and her gaze. I almost don’t want to break away. It’s easier to stay in this space and this moment with her as though my real life doesn’t exist.
Adult Sharla is three times what she was when I met her in high school. She’s sassy, challenging, and fun. She’s everything that Meadow is no longer.
Fuck! Meadow.
It feels good to be free and not have to check-in.
Not tonight, anyway. Tomorrow’s a new day.
Sharla smirks at me, and I can’t help but lean closer as her lips move in a whispered motion.
“What?” I ask, leaning in to hear her over the music.
“I said nothing.”
“You did. I saw your lips move.”
“Maybe you wanted me to say something?”
“What kind of games are you playing?” I ask, going still.
She leans back and looks up at me again.
“What was it that you wanted to say?”
She bites her bottom lip, and her eyebrows dip down. “I wanted to say, don’t get fucking scared now. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I promise that I don’t kiss and tell, and not a word of this will get out.”
My heart races, and my chest heaves with an exaggerated breath. I lean in once again, not caring where I’m at or who I am. I don’t bother to glance around to see if anyone’s watching.
I taste those sinful, seductive, and tempestuous lips, and they’re every bit as sweet and delicious as I remembered. They’re thick and plump like little pillows. I suck the top one and then the bottom one before she opens her mouth and licks my lips.
Flicking my tongue out, I capture hers, and she opens wider, inviting me to explore the kiss, to go deeper. When I finally break it off, my hunger and curiosity aren’t slaked at all. If anything, they have just been ignited.
“Fuck me harder!” she screams.
I push harder into her.
“Harder! What the fuck are you so scared of?” Sharla challenges me.
Her fingers wrap in my curls and pull them tight, and I feel her nails scrape my scalp.
I’m deep inside of her, and her feet are pressed against the headboard. She’s so damn flexible, and I love how wide open she is for me. She’s not complaining that I’m gutting her insides or that she’ll be sore in the morning.
She loves rough sex as much as I love giving it to her. In fact, she’s encouraging me whenever I hesitate.
“That’s it, baby. Yes, deeper. Deeper! Owww,” she moans, clenching all around me.
Her hands pull free from my hair and caress my face.