Page 111 of Heartless

She places the baby on MJ’s stomach, and I adjust her bed so that she can sit up just a little. Tears fill my wife’s eyes as she says, “Oh my gosh, she’s so beautiful, Onyx.”

“I know. She looks just like you,” I say, dragging a finger down the velvety soft skin of our beautiful little girl.

“What are we going to name her?” Meadow asks after the doctors and nurses finally clear the room.

The three of us have been sitting and staring in awe at this little miracle for the last several minutes.

Leaning forward to kiss our baby girl’s forehead, I say, “I love the name that you picked which is Summer. I was also thinkingabout Azul. It reminds me of the sky and water out on the island.”

We’d conceived our little girl at that same cottage that MJ had run to when she sought to escape our marriage.

“I love that, Onyx. Summer Azul Maxwell. We could call her Sam,” she says, laughing.

“That works for me.”

“You guys and these names,” Kaia says, laughing.

“Well, what did you expect from parents with names like Meadow and Onyx,” I say, laughing.

“You’ve got a point there,” she concedes with a warm smile.

“You want to hold her?” she asks.

“Of course,” I say, accepting our little gift from my wife’s arms.

“She is beautiful. I’m going to give you two some bonding time alone with your daughter. I’ll be back to hold her shortly.”

Our parents are waiting in the waiting room along with our siblings, Kaia’s husband, Chris, Ian and his wife, and even Claire, Matt, and his new wife, Fiona.

My relationship with her parents isn’t the best, but we’re not on the verge of war either. Her mother does adore me, but her father is tolerant of me at best. We’ve never sat down and aired our differences because he’s said in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t want to do that. I respect the man’s wishes, but we do get along for the sake of MJ and our children.

My family’s relationship with my sister, Danica, hasn’t improved much either. If anything, it’s grown more distant as she continues to create space between her and us. We love her just the same and will be here for her if she needs anything.

We invited her to come down to the hospital this evening, but she doesn’t want to be around anyone else. She told me that she would come tomorrow once everyone else leaves or maybe visit us at home.

“Thanks, Kaia,” MJ says.

“No problem. I’ll let everyone know what you had,” she informs us.

“One more favor,” I ask.

“What’s that?” Kaia asks, turning in the doorway.

“Would you please bring Cove back to meet his little sister?" I say of our son.

Kaia beams brightly.

“Sure will.”

She’s back within two minutes carrying our two-year-old on her hip. She passes him off to me after I pass Summer back to Meadow.

“Hey, little big guy. Do you want to meet your little sister?” I ask, lowering him onto the bed beside MJ.

“My baby?” Cove asks.

Laughing, I reply, “Yes, that’s our baby.”

“Cove, meet your little sister, Summer Azul Maxwell,” MJ says in the sweetest voice.