Just as I finished his mane, Obsidian nuzzled me, nearly knocking me down. I startled, jumping back in surprise.
The pegasus’s eyes widened in response.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting that.” Worried I’d insulted him, I moved closer, then extended my hand. “You’re much larger than the horses we have in Athos. Far more beautiful and intelligent as well.”
He made an annoyed snort.
“I’m serious. I’m not trying to flatter you. You actually understand what I’m saying.” I waited, with my hand outstretched, nearly touching Obsidian’s muzzle.
After a few heartbeats, the pegasus leaned closer, brushing his muzzle against my palm. I stepped closer, then stroked him. “You’re a sweetheart, aren’t you?”
He snorted as if to disagree with me, but nuzzled closer. I laughed. “I like you too.”
Suddenly, he turned away from me and his ears flattened against his head.
“What is it?” My pulse kicked up in response to the perceived threat. “What did you hear?”
When he returned his attention to me, he lowered his head, then bent a front leg, almost like he was bowing.
It took me a moment to realize the intention. “You want me to ride you?” My heart was racing for another reason now. Climbing onto this creature was the plan the whole time, but now that I was faced with it, I was having doubts.
I wasn’t the most talented rider, and I’d be doing this without a saddle. He was so large, it was going to be difficult to even mount him. Then there was the whole aspect of the fact that he had wings. Was he intending to fly with me on his back?
He whinnied impatiently. I knew it was possible this was the only chance I’d get. Plus, I couldn’t risk insulting him.
“Thank you,” I said as I moved to his side. I set my hand on his back, then stilled. How was I supposed to get up there? I didn’t have a stool or anyone to give me a lift. A quick glance around let me know there weren’t even any large rocks or tree stumps. I wondered if Obsidian would follow me to the stables.
Then, an idea struck me.
It was insane. Absolutely impossible. Yet, what if I could make it happen?
Closing my eyes, I reached for that dark place within. The place where I found my magic in the past. Only thistime, I wasn’t searching for mine. I wanted to borrow some of Ryvin’s.
I wasn’t sure if it would work being so far away, but I had used it when he wasn’t next to me with success. Taking steady breaths to keep myself calm, I rested one hand on Obsidian’s side. “I need a little help getting up, but I promise I’m not going to harm you.”
Closing my eyes, I reached deeper, calling Ryvin’s shadows to me, letting myself feel the magic building. It came like a soothing caress, and I opened my eyes to see the shadows wrapping around me in fluid, graceful spirals.
I nodded to them, encouraging them to create a cloud under my feet. The swirling gray and black shadows obliged, churning in a way that reminded me of waves as they wound together.
Obsidian nickered, tossing his head. His ears wiggled. I stroked his side, whispering calming words while I instructed the shadows to lift me.
To my surprise, I rose from the ground and was able to finally mount the pegasus. Weaving my hand into his main, I held fast. “Good boy, Obsidian. Good boy.”
The pegasus reared and I held on, having to call the shadows around me to keep me from falling. Thankfully, they were woven around me now, anchoring me to the massive steed.
As soon as Obsidian’s hoofs hit the ground, he took off, racing across the island. My eyes watered as the air blew past me, whipping my hair around my face. I could hardlymake out where we were going at this speed and if not for the shadows, I wouldn’t still be holding on.
Obsidian shot into the air. I swallowed the scream I almost unleashed and fought to keep the shadows around me. The pegasus dipped and dove, spun and twisted. The movements so intense and unnecessary that I knew he was trying to throw me. Then, he tucked his wings to the side and we went into free fall, heading right for the rocky ground below.
I tugged on his mane. “Pull us up, Obsidian! Pull us up!”
The pegasus seemed unconcerned about our impending doom.
This was not how I died. I refused to let this be my end. Anger surged and I fought back, reaching into the depths where that dark spark that reveled in chaos lived. The part of me that wanted to rebel. The part of me that I never fully allowed myself to access.
With a roar, I let it out. I let it all explode like a flash of lightning. Shadows billowed around me, expanding into the sky like thunderclouds. I could feel the darkness in my veins, the familiar buzz of magic, the rush of power that I had held back.
Obsidian righted himself, his wings fully extending, catching us on a gust of wind, just before we’d have crashed to the ground. He flapped a few times, then landed, as if nothing strange happened.