“I didn’t wake you, did I?” Clutching my phone to my ear, I grab my cup of coffee and quietly shut the front door behind me. I lean against the railing on my front porch, staring out at the ocean as I pull my robe tighter to my body.
“I have a newborn, Willow. I’ve been up for two hours already.”
“Aw. How is my sweet little nephew?” Shauna had her baby boy two weeks ago after going a week past her due date, and I promised her once the house was done, I’d be flying straight out to visit. I offered to be there for the birth, but she assured me that between Forrest’s family and her own, she’d have too many people to worry about, and wanted our visit to be just about us spending time together.
“He’s perfect. Doesn’t understand the concept of sleep yet, but we’re getting there.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t called in awhile—”
“Nonsense,” she says, cutting me off, “I’ve been busy, Willow, and I knew you’d call when you needed me. So, to what do I owe the honor of this phone call?”
Sighing, I stare down into my cup of coffee. “Shauna, I think I’ve done something bad…”
“Oh God. What?”
“But it felt sooooo good,” I whine.
Her laughter fills the line. “Quoting Taylor Swift? I like where this is going already.” She grows quiet, and then says, “You slept with the restaurant owner, didn’t you?”
“I did. But that’s not the problem.”
“First of all, having sex with whomever you want isn’t even a problem to begin with. You’re a grown ass woman and deserve to get off when and with whom you see fit.”
“Thanks for the pep talk.”
“No problem. Now, what’s the issue you’re concocting in your head?”
“I’m not just speculating, Shauna. This is serious.”
I hear the baby cry in the background. Shauna tells her husband to bring her their son, Hudson, so he can eat. I wait for her to get situated and then she replies, “Sorry. Mom duty calls.”
“You don’t have to apologize to me.”
“I’m just a human milk factory now.” She chuckles, sighing in contentment. “Anyway, please continue.”
“Well, remember that the man that left me this house said he knew my parents?”
“Well, it turns out that man was Dallas’s dad.”
“And Dallas is?”
“The restaurant owner, Shauna!” I hiss, lowering my voice instantly because I don’t want to wake up the man in question. I left him sleeping alone in my bed when I opened my eyes far earlier than I wanted to, especially because he kept me up until almost two in the morning, giving me some of the best sex I’ve ever had. It’s been years since I’ve stayed up that late, but I guess when you’re sleeping with someone whose business doesn’t close until midnight, late nights are par for the course.
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“I wish I were. Believe me. He came over earlier this week to keep me calm during a crazy storm that blew through, and then some stuff happened that night, which led to him asking me out.”
“Holy crap.”
“And last night he took me out and we ended up back at my house.”
“And he has no idea about the connection?”
“No. The worst part is, he wants this house, Shauna, and his dad owned it the entire time, saving it for me.” I yank on my hair. “What am I supposed to do about all this?”
Shauna blows out a breath. “This is a lot. But why is it a problem if you’re just gonna leave and sell it to him anyway?”