“I was just in the neighborhood. Thought I’d stop by and cheer on Bentley.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “Sure,” she drags out. “It has nothing to do with me telling you who else would be here today.”

I roll my eyes at her. “Whatever you say. What’s the score?” I ask, changing the subject.

“Three to one now. It’s been a nail-biter.”

“How much time is left?”

“I’m not sure. Probably ten minutes or so. They just started the fourth quarter.”

“Then I’d better stick around to congratulate them if they win.”

“Yeah. Okay.” She nudges me with her shoulder with a knowing grin on her lips, and then we focus back on the field where the game grows even more intense as the other team scores a goal, making the score three to two.


“That was insane.” My hands rest over my racing heart. “How do you do that every week?”

“I feel like each game I watch takes another year off my life,” Astrid jokes, and we share a laugh.

“Mom! We won!” Bentley races over to her, slamming into her side.

“I know, honey. I was watching. Congratulations! You guys did amazing.” She kisses the top of his head.

“They did, didn’t they?” Dallas walks over, pride etched into every line of his face. “If they keep playing like that, they’ll be going to the championship tournament, no doubt.”

“We will. We’re unstoppable,” Bentley states confidently.

“No, you guys work hard and as a team. But no one is unstoppable,” Dallas corrects him. “Come on, bud. We need to shake hands with the other team still.” He casts his eyes to me, offers me a curt nod, and then walks away.

Bentley runs after him as they display sportsmanship that warms my heart. I never played sports growing up, but I can appreciate thefact that Dallas and Penn are teaching these boys to be gracious winners. That speaks very highly of them both.

After one of the parents hands out snacks to the boys and Dallas and Penn talk to the team for a few more minutes, Bentley runs back over to Astrid and me. Lilly jumps from her spot on the grass where she was playing with one of the siblings of another boy and hugs her brother.

“Good job, B.”

“Thanks, Lilly.”

“You did great, Bentley. I was very impressed,” I say, smiling down at him.

He flashes me a genuine smile. “Thanks, Willow. I didn’t know you’d be here today.”

“Neither did I,” a familiar voice interjects.

I look up to see Dallas striding toward us, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a clipboard in his hand. When he stops in front of me and takes off his sunglasses, I’m immediately captivated by those intense dark eyes. The longer I look into them, the more hypnotized I become—and no matter how hard I try, I can’t look away.

God, he looks more mouthwatering each time I see him.

And a backward hat? Why is that so freaking hot?

“Well, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I was in the neighborhood.” I shrug, trying to act aloof.

“Out exploring the town?” Dallas asks, continuing to hold my gaze.

“Something like that.”

Astrid grins as she looks between us, but then ushers her kids to the side. “We’re going to get going, but thanks for coming, Willow. See you soon?”