“First of all, you can’t control when a man decides to whip out his dick, Willow. That’s beyond the scope of running a company, and I think any other CEO would agree.”
The corner of my mouth lifts. “Fair point.”
“And secondly, you and I both know that you’re a workaholic, and you take on so much more than you need to in your role.”
“That’s a matter of opinion.”
“No, it’s a fact. You could delegate way more than you do.” Shauna lets out a big sigh as I consider her perspective, not liking how it makes me feel. “Look, I know you have all sorts of questions right now, but you won’t have any answers until you meet with the attorney tomorrow. So, figure out the details and make decisions then. But please, Willow, at least enjoy the change of scenery. When’s the last time you took a day off?”
I start thinking back, searching desperately for a date to give her.
“Your lack of a response is your answer. It’s been too freaking long.”
Sighing, I flip my blinker on and move into the lane on my right. “Fine. You’re right. I just hate not having all the information.”
“Oh, I’m aware. You’re the biggest control freak I know. But believe me, sometimes when life throws you a curve ball, it can turn out to be for the best. Look at me and Forrest.”
“I’m pretty sure you ran into Forrest again two weeks before you were about to marry another man, and then you ended up leaving that man at the altar. How is that not disastrous?”
She laughs, but replies, “You’re right. It was disastrous at first. But then it led me back to the man I never stopped loving and in a few weeks, we’re going to be parents. I’d say that’s pretty serendipitous, wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah, I guess,” I murmur in agreement, knowing that I’ve never seen my best friend so happy. I’m just not feeling particularly agreeable at the moment.
“Always the optimist.” She pauses and then says, “Just breathe, Willow.”
I let out the breath I was holding. “How did you know I needed that reminder?”
“Because that’s what you do when you’re stressed. I’m sorry I can’t be there with you, but it’s going to be okay.”
“And what if it’s not?”
“Then you’ll tackle whatever comes your way. Because you’re Willow fucking Marshall and that’s what you do. You’re a survivor.”
“Thank you,” I mutter as I feel the sting of tears. But I fight them down and focus on the road.
Shauna lets out a yawn. “I’m always here. However, I am exhausted so I’m going to let you go so I can take a nap.”
“Fine. I guess you can go and continue growing my nephew.”
“Thanks for your permission. Text me when you get there safely.”
“I will. I still have a while to go, though.”
“Enjoy the ride, Willow. I have a feeling you’re in for one hell of one.”
Why is it that at this moment, I get that feeling in my gut too?
Chapter two
“You gonna stand there and stare at her all night, or are you actually going to do some work?”
Penn, my younger brother, pushes himself off the bar and shoves me as he walks past. “I wasn’t fucking staring at anything.”
“Yeah, just keep telling yourself that,” I mutter as I wipe the counter down.
“Fucker,” he grumbles as he pushes through the door that leads to the back of the bar, leaving me out here all by myself.