Page 137 of Somewhere You Belong

She looks around before leaning over and whispering, “I had sex with Penn.”

“What?” I shout, drawing attention to us as Astrid’s eyes widen. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” I whisper now, even though the damage has been done.

“Jesus, Willow. Now everyone is going to know.” She buries her head in her hands.

I pull her hands away and force her to look at me, lowering my voice and leaning in closer to her. “No, they won’t. All they heard me say was ‘what.’” We both blow out a breath at the same time. “Now, tell me how this happened. And more importantly,” I say, arching a brow at her, “was it good?”

Astrid groans, closing her eyes and sighing. “It was incredible. So hot. There was frosting involved.” She opens her eyes and chews on her bottom lip.

“Frosting?”Damn. I didn’t think Penn or Astrid had it in them.

“Yes. It happened at the bakery. But it can’t happen again.” She shakes her head furiously as our team scores a goal. “Never again.”

We pause our conversation to celebrate.

As soon as the game starts back up, I turn my head toward her once more. “Why not? I thought that’s what you wanted?”

“I can’t, Willow. It’s Penn…he’s my friend.Wasmy friend?” Her brow furrows. “How do you stay friends with a man after you sleep with him?”

“Brandon has been gone for four years, Astrid. And itisPenn. He wouldn’t let this come between you two.”

“I know, but…” She takes a deep breath and says, “There’s something that Penn doesn’t know. And when he finds out, it’s going to ruin our friendship.”

My mouth falls open as a whistle rings out on the field. But I don’t turn to see what happened, because it turns out Astridhasbeen keeping secrets, and I feel like this is a big one.