Hell. I’ll take what I can get. “Optimistic is a far cry from frigid.”
“Did you think I was a bitch?” she asks, her voice just a whisper now.
“At first, I wasn’t sure what to think of you.” I drag my finger down the side of her face. “But now? Now I just can’tstopthinking about you, in multiple ways if you catch my drift.”
Her arms move around my neck. “Perhaps you can share those thoughts with me sometime.”
“I’ll do you one better. I’ll show you just what I’m thinking later.”
“Yes, please,” she whispers before kissing me again.
“Fuck. You know what those manners do to me, Willow.” I press my hips into hers so she can feel what she’s been doing to me since the moment I met her.
“I do. So I’m ready to beg later if that’s what you want.”
“Hell yeah, I do.”
Giggling, she takes a step back. “I do want to go check on the house first and drop off my stuff.”
Disappointment rolls through me that she doesn’t plan on staying. “Aren’t you hungry?”
“I picked up some food on the way down here.” She pushes my hair back with her hand. “Don’t worry. I promise I’ll be back.”
“Okay. I’ll be here.”
She starts to back away from me. “I’m counting on it.”
I’m finishing up balancing the register when I hear a knock on the back door. It’s way past closing, and the only people that use that door are my employees. For a moment I wonder if someone forgot something or needs some kind of help, but when I exit my office and walk back to answer it, I realize the person standing on the other side is exactly the surprise visitor that I was waiting on.
“Hey, Goose.”
Willow stands there in the same white tank top and jean shorts from earlier, looking like a delectable treat, her hair down around her face still and her smile bright and wide. “Hey.”
“Fuck. Get in here.” I pull her inside by her arm, slam the door behind her, and then press her up against it, covering her mouth with mine.
“You act like we didn’t see each other a few hours ago,” she mumbles against my lips as my hands cup her ass and pull her closer to me. “I take it you’re happy to see me again?”
I thrust my hips into her stomach. “I don’t know. You tell me.”
Her eyes bounce all over my face as she drags her nails through my beard. “Well, if it’s any consolation, I’m happy to see you too. Thankfully alone this time.”
Our mouths meet once more as I push her against the door, showing her how much I’ve thought of her for the past two days and ready to make good on my promise.
She tastes like chocolate and bad decisions, warmth and sin, and her body in this outfit is the perfect kind of trouble that I want to get wrapped up in.
Unfortunately, she detaches her mouth from mine. “Not that I’m not enjoying our reunion, but I’m really thirsty and need to pee.”
“I’ll meet you behind the bar then.”
Willow heads out toward the bathrooms while I adjust my dick in my jeans and make my way to the bar. But when I get out to the front of the restaurant, I notice that one of the tables has chairs that weren’t put up. Walking over there, I flip the chairs over and rest the seats on the tabletop, making the floors clear and easier to be mopped in the morning.
When I turn around, I find Willow standing behind my bar with a coy smile on her mouth and a sparkle in her eyes.
“You look good standing there,” I say, watching her every movement.
“Do I now?” She purses her lips and spins a glass in her hand, attempting to be fancy as she moves to fill a drink. But then she almost drops it on the floor, saving it at just the last second. “Um, just pretend you didn’t see that.”