I order a cocktail and scan the bistro. It’s busy with business-people, tourists, and a Friday night pre-drinks crowd. People chatting in Portuguese and in English, laughing, having fun.
Apparently, Baldo is having fun as well.
He left me alone for three days. I could have slipped and cracked my skull on the bathroom floor, and nobody would have found me for days because my dear husband is avoiding me like the plague.
I guess my editor will be grateful that I channeled my boredom and anger onto the page. My newest manuscript will be the darkest I’ve ever written.
Baldo’s neglect might make me a lot of money, after all. What a lovely honeymoon. Not that he was obliged to wine and dine me, but for fuck’s sake, avoiding me completely?
After he went down on me and delivered a bliss I’d never experienced before then spooked me, I was hoping I’d get a chance to explain myself.
I wasn’t able to on the night he announced our honeymoon, and now I don’t feel like explaining myself to the aloof, distant asshole.
But I guess the failed consummation of our fake marriage was a good enough reason for him to fucking drop me like a dirty sock.
We haven’t been married for a month, and I don’t see us progressing to a year. Fucking Roberta Montgomery.
And what am I even expecting? Happily ever after? It would kill Dad.
Though I have to give it to Baldo, it’s easier to fake it here, where we aren’t under the constant scrutiny.
Lisbon is beautiful.
At first I feared Baldo’s apartment would swallow me, but it’s actually a wonderful home. The lonely wolf created a lair for himself that should feel cold, but somehow it doesn't.
Only a couple of hours in, the sense of belonging descended on me. Like we designed that place together.
The idea fills me like a bag of chips—delicious on my tongue, but sickening in my stomach.
And while I’m pissed that he abandoned me, I’ve been having a great time. Maybe the year would pass faster if we moved here.
But I just started bonding again with my sisters, not that they would miss me much. I could still visit Dad often.
I take a sip of my cocktail and catch the eye of a sun-tanned man across the bar.
He’s checking me out, and not even trying to be subtle about it. His friend joins him with two girls in tow. I guess no flirting for me tonight.
Not with the freaking ruby boulder and simple wedding band on my finger. God, why do I even wear it? The thought stops me in my tracks.
WhydoI wear it?
It’s not like it has any significance.
I drain my drink, swallowing the feeling that coils in my stomach. I slide the set off and put them in the small purse hanging on my hip.
Easy. No significance.
“Can I have another one?” I smile and gesture to the bartender.
I need a drink to solidify the no-significance. Because if there was a ring that meant something, it definitely would be the one burning a hole in my purse.
If only I knew what it means. Baldo Cassinetti is an expert at giving whiplash to a girl, that’s for sure.
In any case, it doesn’t mean much to him.
After Celeste and Saar talked me into another seduction mission and helped me choose my outfit, I went to look for him.
Only to find him half-hugging a tall brunette.Stay overnight. We’ll have breakfast together. Fuck him.