Page 64 of Reckless Vow

Fucking hell. It’s not like I can take it back now.

Her reaction is less than helpful, because the woman dissolves in a fit of laughter, doubling over. She grabs the armrest of the chair and laughs while I wait impatiently.

When she meets my eyes and takes in my serious expression, she stops abruptly and drops into the chair.

I have to give it to her—she finds her typical professional composure fast, straightening her shoulders and flattening her pencil skirt. “I didn’t know you were dating. Congratulations.”

“Someone from my past I ran into in New York.” I consider if I can—or should—tell her the truth about the pretend wedding, but decide against it.

“Oh, that makes sense. But you haven’t been there in many… Oh, the one who got away.” The smile that stretches across her face forces me to fist my hands.

Shit. I forgot I told her something along those lines when we hooked up years ago.

“Anyway, it’s been an adjustment and kind of unexpected, but I need to figure things out as I’ll be living in New York for several months.”

Chloe clears her throat, but chooses not to share what she thinks about this recent development. “Of course. Let me know if you need anything from me.”

“I think I’ll need to travel back and forth, and I will need to reassign some responsibilities. Obviously I don’t want to increase your workload, but I might need you to take on a bit more. Temporarily.”

“Baldo, you kept my job and tackled all my duties when Mary was sick. I will get shit done. You know that. I might need you to deal with some of the misogynistic assholes who didn’t get the memo that women are not objects, and God knows there are enough of them in this business, but you can count on me.”

I did step in when her partner was ill, but I never thought of it as a reciprocal favor.

I glance at my screen. Brook is holding a dress in each hand in front of her computer. Is she getting ready to go somewhere?

Chloe clears her throat and I snap my eyes back to her. “Thank you, Chloe. I know I can always count on you.”

I stand up and step round the desk so I’m in front of her. It’s not the best move, but I need to get away from my screen if I want to focus.

Chloe fidgets and stands up. Of course she does, she wouldn’t put up with any power games, though in this case my move was to stop myself from stalking Brook, not asserting my control over an employee.

We continue discussing the business in this awkward stand-off, but somehow the awkwardness falls away as we continue to tackle issues and brainstorm solutions. And eventually she paces, because that has always been her way of thinking better.

“One last thing. I know we’re focusing resources on our New York location, but I heard about a club in Nice that is up for sale. Do you want me to look into it?”

I scratch my neck. “It wouldn’t hurt. If it’s a viable business, that wouldn’t require much start-up effort, we can find the available cash. But let’s not expand too fast. Especially with the looming strikes in France.”

“Sounds good. If you don’t have anything else, I may try to catch the last flight out.”

I check my watch, pushing off the table and moving to the door. “I need to greet a group of VIPs in the poker room, but I wanted to talk to you about the declining revenue in Italy.”

“Yeah, my brain is fried for that conversation. Maybe I should stay.”

At that, she stumbles. “Goddammit,” she squeals, and I catch her elbow before she falls.

Her arm flails and lands on my chest, but her fast pacing propels her sideways and I have to snake my hand around her waist.

“Those fucking heels of yours, Chloe.”

We both laugh as she leans to take off her broken shoe.

“Stay overnight. We’ll have breakfast together.” I steady her.

Something strange crawls up my neck, and I snap my eyes to the door. It’s closed, but I could swear it just clicked.

“Okay, I’ll stay. I might see the Porto supplier tomorrow before I leave. One more thing off your list.”

“Good.” I open the door and we both exit.