Page 58 of Reckless Vow

Oops. Sorry, chérie. Shall we meet?

Yes, please.


Let’s have late breakfast at your place.

Love you.

It’s almost ten when I drag myself out of bed. Not that I slept in. Or slept at all. But I bide my time, making sure I don’t run into my husband.

However I slice the situation, there is no way the two of us can continue this ruse without either talking or avoiding each other. The latter is more attractive, but not exactly feasible.

But what if I’m the only one stuck with all the trauma from the past? What if he moved on and turned the page?

I embarrassed myself enough last night. Along with my drunken proposition, I probably turned him off forever.

I take a shower and deal with my emails. If my personal life continues with this turmoil, I’m going to miss my deadline. But I’m too tired to consider that.

When I make my way downstairs, I find Baldo in the kitchen. Dressed in one of his sexy suits, he is perched on the island’s counter while he works on his laptop.

My life would be so much easier if the man wasn’t so attractive. His broad shoulders tense, and he turns.

Our eyes lock and we stand there, as always, in the impasse of an unresolved past and an agonizing present.

“Good morning.” I look away first and focus on getting my morning caffeine.

“I had better,” he murmurs, and I hear his laptop slap close.

So this is how it’s going to be. “Look, Baldo, I got overwhelmed last night—”

“As you said, it was a mistake.” The ice in his voice sends shivers down my spine. And not the good ones. “I have a meeting. I’ll be back this evening. The housekeeper is coming today, and I asked her to prepare meals for the next few days.”

Of course he knows the housekeeper’s schedule. He’s aloof and cold, executing his moves emotionlessly and with precision. Having everything under control.

He doesn’t look at me as he washes his cup, dries his hands with a towel and packs his laptop.

I huddle over my cup of coffee, watching his every move.

He’s so organized, so reserved. Is that the way he wants it? Or is it his coping mechanism?

Where I invite chaos to tune out the world, he brings order to feel in control?

If that’s the case, we’re doomed. Opposites might attract, but they don’t last.

The doorbell snaps me into action. Baldo grabs his laptop case and I walk with him to the foyer.

It feels like I’m seeing him out, and a part of me wishes that were the case. That this was our morning routine.

I open the door and my friends rush in.

“Hello, traitor.” Saar glares at him.

What’s that about?

“Nice to see you too, Saar. Did you enjoy your evening with Corm?” He smirks.

“Fuck you. I left right after you. And there is no way I’d ever get involved with any ventures that have his name on it.”