I’m leaving in two days. For two months (crying emoji)
(sad face emoji). With both of you gone, I’ll be all jealous. When are you returning to France, Cel?
Taking my time, ignoring the reality.
Are you sure you can’t stay?
I wish. My visa is tied to my dancing. I’ve been blacklisted in this town and without a standing engagement, I can’t renew my visa.
You can get married (wink emoji)
I highly recommend a marriage of convenience. Worked out really well for me.
(eye-roll emoji)
What about my brother?
He’s married to my sister.
(eye-roll emoji) Not Finn, Cal.
“Brook, Celeste, this is my brother Caleb.” Saar wiggles her shoulders and snakes her arm through that of a handsome man in an immaculate suit.
He looks like a lighter, more relaxed version of my brother-in-law, Finn.
“Ladies.” He gives us a boyish grin.
“Merde.” Celeste sighs beside me, and I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve seen her blushing.
She turns to lock the door of the dance studio, dropping the keys in the process, and I stifle a chuckle.
“Cal, would you mind if Celeste joins us for dinner?” Saar asks.
“What about me?” I ignore her obvious matchmaking efforts.
“You have plans tonight, sweetheart.” The velvety baritone makes me whip around.
My husband leans against the black Escalade, one ankle over the other.
He’s wearing a black button-down and black slacks, and I swear I could see him a thousand times and he will still take my breath away. Every. Single. Time.