“Oh, definitely more practicing.” I kiss him. “But you don’t kiss like a teenager. You kiss like a man. My man.”
He utters another sound that is all man and sex and pure hotness and need, and kisses me again.
“You came back to kiss me.” I pant, but the joy is just bursting through me, stretching my grin almost painfully.
“Yes.” He lowers his forehead against mine and smooths my hair before he cups my face.
“You came back to kiss me.” It’s like I need to repeat it to ensure it’s real. That I’m not just dreaming it.
“Yes.” He chuckles.
“I’m the future mother of your children.”
“I hope so.”
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “Let’s go tell Mom and Dad.”
* * *
All my life, I’ve hoped for acceptance from my family. Yet the whole time I was running away, not sharing with them, hiding different pieces of myself.
Today, the man my father pushed away from me, and who in the process lost his own connection with our family, took a leap and decided to show up.
For us.
For our love.
For me.
When he encouraged me to produce the TV series earlier, I felt supported and respected in a way I haven’t felt in years.
Spending the night locked away from him was so lonely. I’m used to being alone, but after sharing my life with Baldo these last few months, the loneliness was more profound.
Yes, I was mad at him for his meddling, but I was madder at myself for pushing him away. Not only last night, but every day since we returned to New York.
I decided to tell everyone today because I don’t want to hide anymore.
I love him.
And I want everyone to know.
The decision looked less solid in the light of morning, but I didn’t want the fear of losing my father to stop me.
What stopped me was Baldo’s decision to take his Maserati for a ride.
But he came back, and he kissed me.
Giving me the last piece of him he had kept out of my reach.
Showing me his trust.
Gifting me his love.
And I’m not going to fail him.
Dad’s eyes fall to where Baldo’s hand wraps around mine the minute we enter the kitchen.
Massi’s daughter, Ali, is crawling on the floor, and baby Micah is crying in the other room.