She turns to me. “It was humiliating enough, you don’t need to poke into it constantly.” The vulnerability in her eyes fucking guts me.
What is she going on about? God, we can’t find a common language here. Perhaps because we’re both avoiding the real topics.
I walk to her, this time approaching gently because she draws the animal out of me, but I’m not an asshole who would get off on her insecurities.
I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “It was beautiful, fucking hot, and a perfect fantasy coming true building you up, almost letting you come. The next part was confusing, but you have nothing to be embarrassed about. I can be a lot to take.”
She makes a dismissive sound. “You think this was about your sexual prowess? God, you’re full of yourself.” She crosses her arms over her chest and then frowns. “Wait? Almost letting me come? It was the best fucking orgasm of my life.”
“Sweetheart, you didn’t even come yet. Not by my standards, for sure.”
She blinks repeatedly. “But I’ve… I never… It was so…” She keeps tripping over her words, and then she groans. “Okay, I need to tell you something, but… promise you won’t judge me.”
What’s going on here? The furious pixie from earlier has changed into this shy, gentle fairy. “Brook, it’s me. We used to share everything.”
We both still, the tension that usually grips us at the mention of the past sweeping through us before she blows a raspberry, her shoulders hunching.
“I’ve never had an orgasm.”
Now it’s my turn to blink. “Come again?” Too late, I realize the poor choice of words.
“I’ve never had one,” she snaps and fidgets, wiggling her shoulders like the words are ants crawling up her back. “And don’t be weird about it.”
“But you dated.” Fuck, I’m making it weird.
“Yes, I guess there is something wrong with me.” She wants to turn away, but I don’t let her this time.
Grabbing her arm, I pull her to me. She hides her face in my chest. I give her a moment, but then I nudge her chin up, forcing her to look at me. This is not something I’m saying into her crown.
“There is nothing wrong with you, Tokyo.”
She narrows her eyes, not believing me perhaps.
“Baby, I got a taste, and you’ve got the most tantalizing pussy. It’s a severe offense to taste you and not finish the job.”
“According to you, you committed that offense.”
“I didn’t get a chance to finish. But you were close, and I guess not ever seeing the meteorite shower, you thought that a falling star was it.”
“Aren’t you poetic? God, this is mortifying.” She hides her face in my chest again.
“Hey, stop it. I’m glad you trusted me with this.”
“I need a drink,” she mumbles into my shirt.
“Another margarita?” I move to the kitchen and take out the blender.
“How do you know what I had?”
“It’s my club.”
She joins me and leans on her elbows across from me on the island. It pushes her tits together, practically spilling them from her stupid, tempting dress.
White, almost see-through; when I saw it on the security screen I almost shut down the club to wash everyone’s eyes with bleach.
I’m sure I wasn’t the only one getting hard just from a glimpse of it. Though the current situation in my pants is a result of both her cleavage and, if I’m honest, her revelation.