That doesn’t stop me from enjoying the moments we still have.
As we walk, the silence is comfortable. The temperature is still bearable, not too hot yet, but not cold either.
We pass around vendors and tourists, and Brook looks at everything with such enthusiasm.
I’m enjoying myself. I don’t even recognize the feeling anymore, but I find myself grinning at her when she admires a handmade necklace or homemade soap in a small shop.
Outside Mimi’s, the lights glow warmly through the windows.
“Wow, I like this place already.” She smiles at me, and it hits me right in the chest.
Everything about her this evening is somewhat new, painting life in high definition.
I have confirmation that she never chose to abandon me, and the heavy burden of doubt and hurt has dissolved at my feet.
It liberates me, allowing for a sliver of joy.
I kiss the crown of her head. “You seem to be liking everything tonight.”
“Shocking, I know.”
I return her smile. My stupid grin spreads as the effortless flow between us grows in my chest.
“Come, let me introduce you.”
We walk inside and Mimi, the plump, motherly owner, greets us. “Baldo, mio caro, it’s so good to see you.” She kisses my cheeks. “And who is this beautiful senhora?”
“Mimi, this is Brook, my wife.”
Mimi swats at me with the white towel she carries over her shoulder and wipes her hands with it. “Nice to meet you.”
She pulls Brook in for a hug.
“Lovely to meet you.” Brook welcomes Mimi’s intrusion with a warm smile.
Their exchange tugs at my heart, but it also reminds me we won’t get the same reception at home. Not as a couple.
It’s not fair to Brook.
“I can’t believe I wasn’t invited to the wedding.” Mimi huffs.
“It was in New York.” I squeeze Mimi’s shoulder. “Brook, Mimi’s cooking is the best in all of Portugal.”
That placates our host. Beaming, Mimi leads us to a cozy corner table.
The aromatic scents of garlic, tomatoes and herbs waft through the air as we sit down.
“I’m not even giving you menus. Tonight, you eat the best food in the world and drink the best wine from my cellar to celebrate your wedding.”
Mimi shuffles away, swatting at me again with the towel. I guess I’m not forgiven for getting married without her blessing.
“I must say, I’m surprised. I’d never picture you in a place like this, but I love it.” Brook looks around with her typical curiosity.
Mimi’s restaurant exudes a rustic charm. It’s a well-kept secret among locals, not yet infiltrated by tourists.