She says nothing and I don’t look back to see her reaction. Truth is, I shouldn’t care one way or the other about it. And maybe it’s time I start faking it till I make it.
Cherry and the others are probably already in town, telling everyone who will listen that I’m letting Eden have the run of the house up here. Which means we can expect some more visitors soon. I should probably have her at least chained up again before that happens.
She’s sitting at the head of the oval table when I come back down, staring down at her plate of soup. I grab a plate and sit at the opposite end of the long table.
“You’re not eating,” I say as I dig into the soup. It’s good. Lentil, I think.
“Maybe I changed my mind.”
“You should change it back,” I say. “Starvation is overrated. I spent half my life starving. It won’t win you any sympathy points with me.”
“So no pie, no cartoons and now also no food,” she says. “Your life really sucked.”
“Yeah, a lot of it did. And I hate talking about it.”
I also hate remembering the pie she made me eat on our first date. That messed up my vision of what she is fromthe get-go.
“I’m sorry.”
I really need her to stop apologizing. It’s not gonna do her any good.
“You know what I think?” I say. “I think you chased away those hoes because they made you jealous. Am I right?”
I love seeing her blush way too much. And I’m not disappointed now.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Why don’t you come over here and help me with this soup?”
“Is that an order?”
Man, she’s just this weird blend of innocence and fire and now my cock’s throbbing again.
I mostly just said that to see what would happen. She nods and stands up, gliding towards me. A dream coming true, pretty much.
I pull her down into my lap and she goes willingly, feeling lighter than a bird yet somehow more solid than any woman I’ve ever held.
I bring a spoonful of soup to her mouth. “Open wide.”
She does, licking the spoon like I wish she’d lick my cock. I feed her more, trying to ignore the rest. The moment I give in to this desire I have for her is the moment I admit this Mission Eden was a failure. I’m not ready to do that yet. I won’t ever be ready for it.
My whole life has been about making the Devils pay. I won’t throw it all away on a sweet, blushing,gorgeous piece of ass who’s seen the worst of me and still keeps coming back for more. Even if she makes me so hard I might come just from her grinding on my cock as she’s doing.
“Stop that.” I slap her ass and she gasps in the most enticing fucking way. “Eat.”
She lets me feed her some more, but then starts grinding on my throbbing cock again. Enough to make me drop the spoon and send it clanking against the china.
“I said, stop it.”
“I can’t,” she whispers.
I grab her pussy through her dress. She’s so wet it soaks right through the fabric. Maybe she’s not lying. But in my experience women mostly do.
She groans as I release her, then purrs like a cat as I slide my hand between the buttons holding her dress together and rub her clit.
“This is what you want?”
“I can’t help that either,” she whispers as she pushes her pussy into my hand. “Call me weird, but I wanna at least have some fun before I die.”