Page 56 of Eden's Joker

I try to move away from his hand. But that just makes him chuckle again and add his other fingers tothe mix. He slides just the tip of his index finger into my pussy, and I open for him, push against his hand, my body demanding more even if I won’t let my voice speak it.

“You like this,” he says and slides more of his finger in, making me sigh and moan.

“How about this?”

He adds a second finger and somehow manages to hit that building pool of sparkling pleasure, disturbing it, causing waves of pleasure I can’t fight against. I can only moan.

But I won’t admit it. My body might be betraying me completely right now, but I won’t give him the satisfaction of telling him how much I like this.

He pumps his fingers into and out, causing more waves, deeper moans, louder sighs. But no words.

“You’re so tight,” he says in a low, throaty voice. “You sure you’ve done this before?”

Not like this!

But I won’t admit that. I won’t even look at him. Everything is soft and fuzzy anyway, except his fingers assaulting my pussy and bringing me more pleasure than I ever thought possible. My whole body is filled with that golden liquid of bliss that his fingers are stirring. Soon I won’t be able to hold it all in anymore. Soon he’ll make me come and then he’ll know exactly how much I like this. That can’t happen!

A few more strokes is all it takes. Then the waves ofsparkling bliss take me under, my body shaking with the kind of pleasure that makes me forget everything else about how wrong this is for a few glorious moments. The orgasm leaves my chest heaving, my breaths escaping as tiny moans and my cheeks burning in shame.

I’ve never come so hard before. And he barely touched me. The things he could do to me… The things I yearn for him to do to me… the things I could do to him. They’d fill a whole saga.

But all that’s part of another life. Another dream. Even if this mind-blowing orgasm is very much a part of this one.

“What? You still got nothing to say?” he asks as he removes his fingers, making me wish that the other dream could somehow miraculously merge with this one.

“Isn’t this what you want?” I ask, my breathing still not quite under control. “To have me at your mercy, submissively taking what you have to give?”

I look at him as I say it, expecting another cocky grin, maybe a laugh. The shock I do see there is not something I’d expect in a million years.

“Why don’t you just rape me while you’re here,” I add when he doesn’t say anything. “You know, get it over with already.”

He stands up, that shock still on his face. And his eyes look like a blizzard just hit those desolate icy plains. Not sure what to make of that.

“I think you need some time alone to think,” he says. “Then maybe you’ll stop talking nonsense.”

And with that, he strides out of the room, leaving me chained to the bed in this dark room, naked, my blood still sparkling from the mind-bending pleasure he gave me. Pleasure like no one’s ever given me before. Maybe no one could. Because they weren’t him.

But the cool air in the dark room soon snuffs out the last of the sparkles. And just like always, as soon as he’s gone, the reality of my situation comes crashing down on me with all its suffocating weight.

It’d be easier if he’d used the knife on me. Cut me up instead of caressing me gently… instead of making me come so hard that I’ll never forget it.

Bleeding would be easier to bear than the fact that all I want is for him to come back and do that to me all over again.



After I locked Eden back in her room, I came downstairs and sat on the sofa, hating and loving the fact that I could smell her all over my hands. I wasn’t gonna let her come, but between her sharp words of hatred, and soft moans and whimpering sighs of pleasure, and the way her body begged for more, I couldn’t resist. Hell, I could barely resist shoving my rock-hard cock down her throat. Or, better yet, in her pussy.

It took me nearly an hour to convince myself not to go back and do all that.

She has a pull on me like no other woman I’ve ever met.

And she doesn’t even know it. The way she wants me even though she should hate me worse than Satan is intoxicating too. Kinda makes me forget why she’sreally here. Kinda makes me wish things were different.

That last hateful accusation she threw at me, after I made her come harder than she ever had, I’m sure, really fucking stung. How can I rape her when she clearly wants me like no other woman has ever wanted me?

That’s why I ran out of there and left her chained up. Because my mind can’t go there.