Wehave a whole convo on how this is where we’ll be living together since he doesn’t want us to be apart anymore.Abouthow much safer this place is going to be for me since he’s hired round-the-clock security.Hepromises that he’ll protect me, no matter what.Allof that before he lifts me off my feet bridal style and carries me through the front door, like we’re newlyweds.Thisis too much to process andI’msuddenly feeling overwhelmed again.
“Areyou tired?Doyou want to take a nap?”
“Uh, yes please,”Itell him since that would probably be the best thing for me to do right now, sinceI’mbeginning to have a headache as well.Thisis too much shit being dumped on me at once.
Hecarries me up the stairs likeIdon’t have my own two legs to walk on, but who wants to tell this idiot that?Ifhe wants to carry me then fine, more pressure on him,Iguess.Hetakes us all the way to the master bedroom and then he lays me down gently on the bed.
“Isthis my room?”
“Thenwhy did you bring me in here?”
“Becauseit’s not yours, it’s ours.”
“Well,Iwant my own room,”
“Why?Thismansion has a lot of empty rooms,”
“Becauseyou’re mine.Soonyou’ll be my wife andIdon’t want my wife sleeping in a separate room.”
“Yousay that like it’s a certainty.”Isnort.
“Itis.Evenif you still hate me, you’re always going to belong to me.I’msorry babe, but likeIsaid beforeIcan’t give you up.”
“I’llfind you,” he tells me and beforeIcan answer him, he cuts me off. “Doyou want me to lay here with you until you fall asleep?”
“Okaybaby.I’llbe right downstairs if you need anything,” he tells me before dropping a kiss to my forehead andIjust nod my head in response.Dammit!He’salways making me soften with those damn forehead kisses.
Ilay on the bed not wanting to move yet and just glance around the room.Everythinglooks expensive and chic.Idon’t even know whyI’mthinking about money when we’re both rich as hell.Ican’t seem to wrap my mind around the fact that he bought a mansion for us or the fact that this is home now.
Ofcourse, the ass doesn’t leave well enough alone and a few minutes later he’s back with a bowl of soup and juice, butI’mnot even hungry.Ofcourse, we have a bit of a skirmish andIend up eating said soup anyway, with him feeding me as usual.Sigh.
“Laterafter you’ve rested,I’llgive you a tour of the mansion and introduce you to the staff,” he tells me whenI’mdone eating.Hetucks me in, giving me another kiss on the head before he leaves again.
Imust lay in bed for an hour or so not getting any sleep.Idon’t know what the fuck is bothering me, since the bed is soft and comfy as hell.Ilay there for a while more untilIcan’t take it anymore, soIget up and head downstairs.
Iwalk around checking out some things here and there untilIhear noise coming from the den.Iwalk slowly to the door and open it to seeGrayand my brother on the two ends of one of the couches playing video games.Ugh, they’re such guys!Iwalk in and take a seat in the middle of them and lay my head on my brother’s shoulder.
“Hey, squirt, what are you doing up?Ithought you were supposed to be taking a nap,” he says, as he pauses the game.
“Couldn’tsleep.Mybrain won’t shut off.”
“Youneed to relax.Justtake it easy because you’re going to have nothing but good days from now on,” he tells me and then a moment later he’s repositioning me so that my head is on his lap, while my feet are onGrayson’s.
“Iagree with your brother.Iwant nothing but the best for you from now on sis,”Graysonsays as he puts his controller down and then begins to massage my feet.Itfeels so good that a sigh escapes me.
“Where’sMason?”Iask, sinceIknow he would have sniffed me out already if he was here, probably just to lecture me to death about being out of bed, the ass.
“Hewent out.Hehad to take care of something with the guys,”Huntertells me.