Page 14 of Broken Empire

Iwalk over to the door and grab onto one of the bars and start screaming for help as loud asIpossibly can, hoping that someone will at least come and tell me whyI’mhere or something.Thenot knowing what’s going on is killing me.Ihave a feeling thatI’mgoing to meet the person who has been stalking me,Idon’t know howIknow butIjust feel it in my gut.That’sthe only thing that makes sense.

“Help!Somebodyhelp me!”Iscream at the top of my lungs.Itry to push my face into the bars to look out into the hallway but from the little thatIcan see, it’s empty.Thereare a few more doors just like mine though.WhichmeansI’mdefinitely not the first prisoner that’s been here.

IwishIhad something forMasonand my brother to find me.Imean hopefully they knowI’mmissing by now.That’swhenIremember my necklace!Iclutch at my neck to feel for it but my heart sinks whenIdon’t find it there.

Didwhoever take me pull it off?OrdidIsomehow lose it in the crash?Shit!I’mreally screwed now!Ifeel the little hope inside me die a quick and sudden death.Howis anyone going to find me now?

Ihave no doubt thatMasonwill lecture me to death with an ‘Itold you not to leave and go anywhere by yourself’ if he ever finds me.Grr!HowdoIkeep making a mess of my life?Idid not sign up for any of this crap.Istart to scream for help again when someone across from me answers.

“Wouldyou stop yelling?You’regiving me a headache,” the sound of a voice, heavy with a pretty accent comes through from the room that’s directly across from mine.Ilook up to see a beautiful girl sitting on the floor right by her door.Itake up the same position so that we’re facing each other.

“Sorry.It’snot every day you get kidnapped, you know?”Ihuff.

“Oh,Iknow.Butwelcome to the club,” she snickers.

“Wellnever mind, that’s not right.Thisis actually my second time being kidnapped.GuessImust have the words ‘kidnap me’ written on my forehead or something,”Imutter.

“Ouch.Thatsucks but weirdly enough this is also my second time.GuessImust have the same words written on my forehead too,” she tells me with a sigh.

“Whythe fuck does this keep happening to us?”Igrumble. “Howlong have you been here?”

“Abouta week,” she replies.

“So, there’s no getting out of here?”

“Nope.NonethatIcould find,” she sighs. “Thisplace is locked up tighter than a virgin who doesn’t want to have anal.”

“Fuck!Andthat was a weird as fuck analogy,”Isay, chuckling despite the situation we’re currently in.

“Itmade you laugh though, didn’t it.”

“Thatis true,”

“Imean sometimes you need a little weird humor when you’re in deep shit.Otherwise, you’d just go crazy with all the overthinking and shit,” she tells me andIguess she’s right.Ido love to overthink shit.

“Whyare you here?”Iquestion. “Andyou totally don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”

“Iwas kidnapped and then forced to work in a strip club.Setthe shit on fire and got caught.TheMafiaboss wants to have a chat soon.Obviously,Ididn’t know the stupid club had ties to theMafia,Ijust thought that sleazy asshole running it was all there was to it, butIwas wrong.So,I’vejust been here in limbo waiting for him to come deal with me,” she says in a flat tone.

“Holyshit!Thatis wild.I’msorry,”Ioffer.

“Whyare you here?” she asks, her turn to question me.

“I’mnot sure exactly… butIthink my ex, well not ex really, more like… fuckIdon’t know it’s fucking complicated.Anyway,Ithink his father hired someone to stalk me and well, hereIam now.I’mnot a hundred percent sure though, because it could also be my mother.Well,Irecently found out she’s not really my mother… but it could be her,”Isay with a sigh.Sheesh, talk about complicated.Whythe hell amIoversharing?

“Whew!Damngirl, that is some complicated family drama!” she whistles.

“Tellme about it.I’mfucking exhausted from it all.”

“Whereare you from?”

“Atown inCaliforniacalledRavenwood.Whatabout you?”

“Asmall town inItalycalledGenoa,”

“ThoughIwas actually taken whileIwas inLondon.I’dsay we’re a long way from home butIhave no clue where we are right now.Doyou know?”Iquestion.

“Nope.IwishIdid butIdon’t have a clue.Noone really talks much when they come down here to give me food,” she tells me.