Page 118 of Broken Empire

“Theiruncles helped with the furniture andIdid the walls,” he tells me.

“It’scute!Ilove it!Bythe way we’re going to have to get another set of furniture for the other one,”Ilaugh.

“Onit, and we’ll put their uncles to work again,” he grins andIcan’t help but laugh as well.

* * *

Mason’svoicecoming from right next to me is what wakes me up this morning.He’strying to talk quietly, but he’s not doing a good job of it.

“Hi, my little ones.It’sDaddyagain.Howare my babies doing today?” he asks my bump, and it’s allIcan do not to laugh.He’sso damn cute and stupid at times, butIguess he’s my stupid.Blesshis heart, he’s been reading pregnancy books.EventhoughI’mglad he’s taken the initiative, he’s been driving me fucking nuts.Somuch so thatIwant to just punch his ass in the face most of the time.

Ikeep my eyes closed, not letting him know thatI’mawake yet, soIcan hear what’s going on this morning.Ifeel his hand lightly touch my stomach a moment later as he gently caresses my bump.Ithas really popped out now thatIam officially twenty-one weeks pregnant today.

“So,I’vebeen reading about this pregnancy thing and it says that at twenty-one weeks you two should be able to hear me soIneed you little shits to take it easy on your mama today.We’regoing to the doctor to see what you two are going to be andI’mexcited!” he says andIfeel one or both of them kick right where his hand is on my stomach.Holyshit!Iwill never get used to that feeling. “SeeIknew you two could hear me!”

Hekisses me right where they just kicked, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.He’sbeen taking such good care of me in the couple of weeks we’ve been home already and life has been like an absolute dream.Well, except for the timesIwant to beat his ass.

Otherthan that, we’ve settled into a routine andI’mnever alone these days.I’mbombarded with nothing but love, thoughI’llnever admit thatIlove it like that because all the men in this house will make me even crazier.

Dadis here.Mytwo brothers:HunterandGrayare here and they all drive me completely crazy every single day.Ithink they’re followingMasonand reading those damn books because every day it’s something or the other with one of them.

I’mtired of hearing don’t do this and don’t do that.Don’teat or drink this and don’t eat or drink that.Iswear half the timeI’mhiding away from them in the nursery or in the treehouse.Butat the end of the day,Iwouldn’t have it any other way.I’mbeing loved and cherished every day.Agirl could get used to all that spoiling.Theydefinitely spoil me for putting up with all their nonsense.

“Goodmorning,Mama.Iknow you’re awake,” he tells me andIopen my eyes to look at him.

“Howdid you know?”

“Iknow everything about you,Mama,” he says in that sexy drawl of his.Fuck!It’slike when he calls me mama that shit has a direct link to my pussy, becauseIsuddenly feel very horny.Hesmirks at me like he knows exactly what’s going on with me.

BeforeIcan even try to make a move on him,I’mmaking a mad dash off the bed and into the bathroom with my head in the toilet a moment later, barely making it in time beforeI’mthrowing my guts up.Themorning sickness phase is gone thankfully, but sometimesIfeel queasy out of the blue and need to throw up.

Ugh!Nothingkills the mood faster than puke.He’sright there behind me as he holds my hair back while rubbing his hand up and down my back.OnceI’mdone,Iwash my mouth out and brush my teeth before he takes me back into our room.Hehands me the ginger ale along with some crackers to help me with my upset stomach.

“Heywhat didItell you two in there about behaving?” he asks my stomach andIjust giggle at his craziness.

“Maybethey want to be just as bad as their daddy,”Ilaugh.

“Comeon let’s go take a bath before those assholes come looking for you,” he tells me andIsmile at his pout.Heusually pouts whenI’mwith one of the guys orDadfor too long.

Hefills the tub up and throws in some bubble bath.Itsmells so good andIinstantly relax when he helps me into the tub andIsit in the hot water.Hesits behind me and washes every inch of my skin.Heeven gets me off before it’s time to get out.

Ifeel refreshed and a lot better by the time we head downstairs for breakfast.Theboys already have breakfast ready and we all sit down to eat.Masoninsists on feeding me andIjust roll my eyes and let him, otherwise he’ll pout for the rest of the damn day.

“Whippedmotherfucker!”Ihear bothHunterandGraycough into their hands.Ilaugh asMasongives them both the finger.

“Timeto go before we’re late!”Dadannounces as we all finish eating.Whenthe hell did this become a ‘we’ thing?

“Areyou all going to the appointment too?”

“Duh!Can’tleave the two of you alone with important things like this!”Huntergrumbles andIlet out a groan.

“We’renot missing this for anything,”Grayadds.

“Geez!Okay.Okay.Letme set some ground rules for all of you before we leave!”Itell them my voice is as serious as ever.

“What?Wealways behave,”Huntersays and they all agree, acting like they’re innocent, which is not true at all.

“Noacting like idiots!Noasking the doctor a million questions!Sheknows what she’s doing since she’s been at this gig for years already!Andno annoying me orI’llkick you all out.I’mnot the first woman to get pregnant!Gotit?”Iask, looking at all of them, includingMason.