Page 116 of Broken Empire

“Goodto know,”Ilaugh.

Wespend the next few hours with everyone just enjoying the company.It’sa few hours later whenMasonpulls me up from my seat andIlook at him questioningly.

“Comeon,Ihave something to show you,” he tells me.

“We’llbe back,”Itell everyone andIhear the snickers follow us as we head for the stairs.

“Whatdo you have to show me?”Iquestion.

“You’llsee in a moment.StillimpatientIsee,” he chuckles andIpoke my tongue out at him.Wehead for the back deck and when we step outside, his huge surprise isn’t hard to miss.

“Youbuilt me another treehouse?”Iask, sniffling.

“Yes.Theold one has a lot of memories but this one is where we’ll make more and our babies will also make their own here too someday.Thoughif either of them turns out to be a girlIdon’t want no damn boys in my treehouse,” he says seriously andIburst out laughing.

“Idon’t think you’ll have to worry about that for a long time,”Itell him, still chuckling as he pulls me along behind him.

Helets me go up the stairs in front of him and he has his hand on my back the entire time like he’s scaredI’mgoing to fall or something.It’scute.Whenwe step inside,I’minstantly transported back to when we were younger and used to hang out in my old treehouse.It’san almost exact replica of the old one, but there are also some additions.

There’sa corner with baby stuff.Toysand some paintings.Thereare pictures of us on the wall along with those of the important people in our lives.Thereare even balloons and other decorations around the room now.Iguess he wanted to go all out with his surprise.

Allit took was one moment for me to fall in love with the inside.Ilove the huge wrap-around porch he added, so we don’t have to be inside all the time.

WhenIturn around to thank him for doing this,Istand there in shock for a moment whenIsee him in the middle of the room, down on one knee with a huge diamond ring and a nervous expression on his face.

“Marryme?” he asks.

“Ithought we were already legally married?”Iask with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, uh that was just to bind you to me legally so thatIcould put half of everythingIown in your name.ButIstill want to give you the wedding of your dreams,” he tells me and my hearts instantly aches again because he really was going to kill himself.

“Pleasedon’t cry baby.Ican’t stand to see your tears,” he murmurs, standing up to come wrap his arms around me.

“Icould have lost you!”Isob into his chest.


Heholds me for a little while longer until my sobs calm down. “Areyou just going to leave a guy hanging like that?” he jokes.

“Yes!”Itell him as happy tears roll down my face this time. “Yes,I’llmarry you.”

Heslides the ring onto my finger before tipping my chin up.Weboth stare at each other for a moment before he bends his head down and kisses my lips softly.

“You’vejust made me the happiest man alive, even if you’re my wife already,” he says, cheekily before kissing me once more.

Itstarts slow at first and then it deepens in intensity.I’msuddenly very horny as we continue to devour each other’s lips.Itfeels like it’s been forever since we had sex and now,I’mjust itching to have his cock inside me.AndI’mjust going to blame that on these damn hormones.

Hebegins to walk us backward, while our lips are still locked together.Amoment later, the back of my legs hit the bed, and he pulls away.Ilook up into his eyes and they’re filled with desire and lust,I’msure that it matches my own.

“Readyto christen our new treehouse?” he asks, a wicked smile on his face.


Hekisses me again before pulling away, gently pushing me onto the bed.Iland on my back and a moment later, he taps my legs, andIspread them apart.Heputs one knee on the mattress, moving to hover over me as he settles himself between my thighs.

He’scareful with my bump as he bends down to kiss me once again.Myentire body feels like it’s on fire asIwait to feel his touch along my skin.Leavingmy lips, he moves his head down, until he’s at my neck.

Hekisses me on the side, just under my ear.It’smy sensitive spot andIshiver at his touch.Amoment laterIfeel him bite that spot before sucking on my skin.