Page 100 of Broken Empire

“No.I’llbe fine.”

“Nomore drinking or doing any drugs orIwill fucking lock you up in one of my warehouses, so you won’t be a constant menace to yourself or us,”Hunterthreatens.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever,”Isay with a roll of my eyes.

“Areyou sure you’re good on your own?Youlook like you’d fall in the shower and kill yourself with how weak you look,”Graystates. “You’restarting to look like a skeleton.”

“Gee, thanks, bro.I’mfine.I’mstill strong enough to kick both your asses so don’t worry.”

“Idoubt it but okay.We’llleave you alone for now.ButfirstI’mtaking away all the booze,” he says as he starts to walk around my room and gather the many bottles of alcoholIhave collected.Hunterhelps too and between the two of themIthink they picked up about fifteen bottles give or take.

“You’reseriously trying to die, aren’t you?”Huntersays, giving me the death glare. “Iswear toGodifIwasn’t feeling sorry for your dumbass,I’dknock some damn sense into you!”

“Comeat me then, bruh!”Igrumble.

“Justgo shower beforeIreally fucking shoot you for being a royal pain in the ass!”

“Takesone to know one!”Iyell after him as both of them walk out of my room.

Ishut the door behind them and look around the room for my phone.Ittakes a while since my room is pretty much a mess, butIeventually do.Icheck it and of course there's no missed calls or texts from her.

ButIdon’t care becauseI’mgoing to go see her.Icall my pilot and tell him to get a flight ready toLondonfor today, leaving as soon as possible.Helets me know that he’s on it andIgo to shower and get dressed.

Thenext thingIdo is call one of my guards and let him know my plans.Bythe timeI’mready to goIsneak down the stairs and straight to the garage where my guy is waiting for me.Idon’t need the twoMcnosiesto be up in my business and stop me from going, so just to be safeIhide in the backseat on the floor until we make it past the gates.Thankfully,Imake it out before anyone can stop me.

It’slate by the timeIget toLondonbutIdon’t care.Igo toAdelaide’s; the gate opens for me and she andCarterare there by the timeIget to the door.

“HeyMase.Whatare you doing here?”Adelaidesays as she gives me a hug.

“I’mhere to see my girl.”

“Um…Idon’t think that’s such a good idea.It’slate and—”Cartersays but thenIcut him off.

“I’llshoot all of you assholes ifIhave to!Ijust want to see her and make sure she’s fine with my own two eyes.Iwon’t disturb her if she’s asleep, but pleaseIjust need to fucking see her,”Isay asIget a hitch in the throat becauseIjust feel like fucking crying at this point.I’mbarely hanging on by a thread here and they must see it too because both of them move out of the way to let me pass.

“Sheis asleep but come on,I’llshow you to her room,”Adelaidesays as she starts to walk away andIbegin to follow. “Howhave you been?”

“Notgood.I’mlosing my mind without her there.”

“I’msorry,” she says, sadness filling her voice.Wewalk all the way upstairs and a moment later she stops outsideWinter’sdoor.

“Thanks,”Itell her before she can walk away.

“You’rewelcome.Justdon’t make me regret it,” she says and then leaves.

Iquietly open her door and step inside.Theroom is dark except for the little night light that’s on.Ifeel my chest squeeze and then release the pressure when my eyes land on her small body in the middle of the bed covered in her blankets.

Itfeels likeIcan finally breathe again, now thatI’mseeing her after going for so long without even a glimpse.Islowly walk to her bed and toe my shoes off before getting in bed beside her.

Igently put my arm over her and pull her in close to snuggle.Itake in a deep breath and her scent calms me down, bringing me peace after feeling likeI’vebeen in chaos for so long.

Mymind and body are exhausted after drinking and doing drugs so much thatIalmost instantly fall asleep next to her.IwishIcould stay here forever butIknowI’llhave to get up and leave before she wakes up to find me here with her.

Inthe early hours of the morning,Ifeel a tap on my shoulder and whenIopen my eyes,IseeAdelaidestanding there with a finger to her lips.Inod and slowly move my hand away and sit up.

Ikiss her forehead before getting up, putting my shoes back on and leaving the room behindAdelaide.Wewalk all the way down to the kitchen andIsee the guys are already up and about too.Shehands me a cup of coffee that is desperately needed andItake a sip.

“Thanks, and thanks for waking me up too.Iwas planning to do just that before she woke up.”