Page 79 of Broken Empire

Assoon as we come to a stop at the emergency room doorsIget out of the car and run with her in my arms, like a bat out of hell.Twoof the nurses rush over and they put her on a gurney before rushing off with her.

“Whathappened to her?” another nurse asks.

“Caraccident,”Itell her quickly.

“Ifyou can have a seat in the waiting room, we’ll do everything we can for herMr.King,” the nurse says before rushing off as well.

Icollapse onto one of the chairs and feel tears well in my eyes.Ibeg and plead withGodto not let anything happen to her, asIsit there with my head bent.Hunterclaps me on the shoulders a moment later andIlook up at him.

“She’sgoing to be fine.Don’tworry she’s a fighter,” he says trying to reassure me.

“Ihope so man.Ican’t fucking lose her.”

Wesit there for a few hours, thenIbegin to pace and even throw my fist against the wall a few times.Itaches, butIneed to feel physical pain instead of the one in my chest right now.Afterwhat feels like forever a doctor finally comes over to give us an update.

“She’sgoing to be fine.Shesuffered a dislocated shoulder, some cuts and bruises and there was some damage to her collarbone.Weperformed the surgery to fix it, though we had to place her in a medically induced coma since she hasCerebralEdemawhich just means that there’s swelling in her brain.It'sjust to make sure that there wasn’t too much damage to her brain.We’llknow more in a day or so and have an idea on when we can take her out of it,” he tells me.Ifeel likeI’mgoing to pass out.Mypoor baby is probably in a lot of pain andIcan’t do anything to help her right now.Feelinghelpless fucking sucks.

“Whencan we see her?”

“Inabout an hour or so.Oncewe get her situated in her room.”


* * *

Ispentthe night by her side, sitting on a chair while holding her hand the entire time.WhenIfirst walked into the room and saw her hooked up to all those machines, it brought back memories thatInever wanted to revisit ever again.

Shealmost died the last timeIwitnessed her like this.Inever wanted to see her like this in the first place andIdon’t know why it keeps happening.Ipromised her thatI’dprotect her and told her she would be safe from now on and now look at her condition.Ifailed her yet again…

It’smorning now, andIhaven’t slept all night.Istayed awake to watch over her and make sure that she was okay.Idon’t need anything else going wrong on my watch.Tearsspring to my eyes with the weight of everything on my shoulders.Latelyit just seems likeIcan’t do anything right and it’s fucking with my head.

Icontinue to sit there until the doctor eventually comes in.Helooks over her chart for a few minutes before speaking to us.HunterandGrayare here with me, while her father is back at the mansion for obvious reasons.Wecan’t let anyone else know he’s alive yet.

“Well, everything looks good so far.Wewere concerned because of the gash on her head and the impact she suffered when she hit her head.Thescan we just did confirms that there is no severe trauma to her brain so we’ve taken her out of the coma.She’llwake up on her own when she’s ready,” the doctor tells us.

Hedoes whatever it is he’s supposed to, making sure her vitals are good along with her pressure, heart and all the other thingsIhave no clue about.

“Whyisn’t she awake yet if you took her out of the coma?”

“Itusually takes at least a few hours for the patient to wake up once we take them out of it.Everythingon our end shows that she’ll recover well.Hercollarbone wasn’t too severely damaged in the crash so that should heal without complications and her arm will be sore for a while, but she’ll be back in good health in no time.”

“Thanksfor taking such good care of her doc,”

“NoproblemMr.King,” he says and then leaves the room.

“Idon’t know how, butIknow my father is behind this andI’mfucking tired of it.It’stime to end this once and for all,”Isay asIturn toHunterand my brother.

“Whatdo you have in mind?”Hunterasks.

“Let'sgo back to the house and talk to your dad,”

“I’llstay back and keep an eye on her,”Graysonsays andInod my head.

“Okay.Butcall me immediately if she wakes up whileI’mgone.”

“Iwill bro.Gotake care of this,”

“Howdo you feel about all of this?Imean he’s your dad too…”