Page 30 of Broken Empire

Ican already feel liquid running down my back andIknow it’s my blood.Thecrack of it sounds again as he begins to whip me over and over again.Ifeel it on my back, my ass, and the back of my legs.

I’msobbing and squirming, wishingIcould get away from this but it’s no use sinceI’mcuffed to this thing.Myscreams and cries are so loud, it sounds deafening to my own ears, but allIcan hear in response to that are the sounds of grunting and groaning throughout the room.

Itsounds like these sick perverts are jerking off to watching me get tortured andIfeel myself shatter all over again.IthoughtIfelt my soul crack and break earlier when he raped me the first time but now it feels worse.Allhe’s done sinceI’vebeen here is take and take, and pretty soonIwon’t have anything else left for him to steal.

Myskin is on fire andIcan feel the blood running down my back and legs.Whenthe pain finally gets too much for me,Islump right whereIam as blackness takes over.

Idon’t even have the luxury of being thankful for the darkness because it feels like only a moment later whenI’mcoming out of said darkness screaming asIfeel him thrust his cock into me.

Thescream is guttural, coming straight from the soul but no one cares.Ilift my head up a little to see thatI’mstill in the same roomIwas in beforeIpassed out, but nowI’mbent over a table with my legs on the floor and my arms cuffed to the sides and stretched out.

Iwas right earlier, these assholes were waiting for this show because nowIcan see all these bastards have their cocks out, rubbing and stroking them while they watchAntoniorape me.

Itry to kick my legs and buck him off of me but he grabs me by the throat from behind, lifting my head up and back so thatI’mlooking at him.

“That’sit, baby!Fuckingtake my cock like a good little slut!” he groans as he continues to thrust in and out of me.

Iscream and scream, begging him to stop but it seems like my pleas just make him more feral as he gets rougher and wilder with his thrusting.Helets go of my head and it slumps down onto the table again.Idon’t even have the energy to lift it up anymore.

Ifeel broken and dead inside…

Iswear my heart breaks, my mind shatters, and my will to live dies.

AndIjust stop.

Istop trying to fight, stop trying to kick, stop trying to buck him off and just lay there because what else is there to do?

Hedoesn’t even seem to notice thatI’vestopped fighting, as he continues to thrust in and out of me.He’sjust grunting and moaning, sounding like he’s feeling nothing but ecstasy in this moment.

Iimagine all the girls he’s done this to before me and wonder if they all had to endure the same things, before he killed them.Dotheir families even know what happened to them?Willmine?Eventhough it’s just my brother.

Thatthought causes another sob to escape me.Thesobs are uncontrollable now and yet he’s still fucking driving his hips in and out of me, not even giving a shit.

“That’sit, slut!Takemy cock just like that,” he groans. “Yourtears are making me hard as fuck right now.Thisis the sweetest and tightest fucking pussyI’veever been inside.”

Amoment later he stills behind me and he lets out a loud grunt asIfeel him coming inside me.Itfeels like it’s never-fucking-ending as he deposits spurt after spurt.Cheers, grunting and groaning sounds around the room as the men finish themselves off, while clapping forAntonioas if to say job well done.

Ifeel nothing but disgust rolling through me at their actions and wish someone would shoot them all.Amoment laterAntoniopulls out of me and releases my wrists from the table.Itry to stand but my legs can’t hold me up.

JustasI’mabout to collapse onto the floor, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder before walking out of the room, making his way back down to the basement.

“CanIhave another shower?”Iask when he stops in front of my door.Hestands there for a second andIthink he’s going to deny me, but surprisingly he walks down the hall to the shower room.

Heputs me down onto my feet and wasting no timeIscramble for the shower.Iturn it on and quickly get under it, wanting to wash his cum and his touch out and off of me.Iforgot about my back and legs so when the water touches them, it burns and stings causing a scream to rip out of me from the unbearable agony of it.

Idon’t care,I’mbreathing heavily asIpush through the pain and continue cleaning myself as bestIcan.WhenI’mdone, he takes me back to my room and locks me inside.I’mthankful he doesn’t say anything, becauseIdon’t thinkIcould handle his taunts right now.Hejust stares at me for a moment before walking away.

Igingerly make my way to the bed.Ilay on my stomach and this position hurts my gunshot wound.Ifeel so miserable and sinceIcan’t turn onto my back because of the whip breaking my skin and that’ll probably burn like hell too.Icontinue to lay as is and stay still, since this is as good as it’s going to get.

Iwant to die.

Idon’t want to be here anymore and suffer through this continued torture.Ifthis is whatIhave to look forward to every day thatI’mhere then yes,I’drather fucking die.

Amoment laterI’msobbing so hard thatIcan barely breathe.IhearScarlettcall out to me butIdon’t respond.Idon’t want to talk to anyone right now because it won’t make things better.Ijust need to be alone and deal with everything going on inside my head at the moment.

Ijust stay quiet and sob untilIpass out from exhaustion and the pain in my body.Theasshole didn’t even give me a pain killer is my last thought beforeIfinally succumb to the darkness waiting for me with open arms.