If Eloise were to agree, picturing the end result is to be blamed for my arousal. I’m not a man who typically shares. If she were to want two cocks inside of her, who am I to deny her? If she begged for all three…

“We can be super private if that’s what it takes for this guy to agree,” Jake explains, “or we can get a room that offers a peanut gallery if we want to show off our woman.”

Our woman.There’s something about calling her ours that feels right.Ours.

If I were to share her with anyone, it would be these two. Even if they both drive me nuts, they know how to give Eloise pleasure. The sort she deserves.

“She deserves something nice. Egyptian silk sheets and a faux carpet to lay on.” Nicolas paints a picture, shifting in his seat. “Eloise deserves the best.”

“I had a different idea. One that I think she’ll enjoy far more than some costly suit-like room.”

I take a minute to contemplate my thoughts. My brows lower as my frown grows.

Okay. No more pondering. The more I think about the offer, the better it sounds.

“You two need to be in. I don’t have to worry about Nicolas. You, on the other hand. No more long nights out at different clubs with different women.” If I’m going to put a title on the four of us, I want it to be concrete.

I will lose all respect for him if he thinks he can break Eloise’s heart.

Jake’s smile falls and I witness a rare frown. He swats his hand as he shakes his head. “I have become a loyal pup. She’s got nothing to worry about. Let’s be honest here, I haven’t even shared a drink with another woman since Eloise came into the picture. She’s ruined me, Rhett.”

Looking for any hints of dishonesty, he squints at me.

“I’m in,” he assures confidently. Hard to discredit him when he sounds so serious. Fine, I’m convinced.

“You can get us in without anyone seeing?” Nicolas starts back up, ignoring our conversation playing out. “I don’t want her worrying about unwanted eyes. With her past and all.”

“They’re discrete. It’s not like they have a line of paparazzi right at the entrance. I’m telling you, you’ll be more distracted by what you want to do with that woman.”

“And what happens if Eloise doesn’t want any part of this?” Nicolas sighs, his concern written all over his face. “What if she enjoys having us separately, but not together?”

Not expecting a chuckle to come from him, Jake is back to grinning. “Oh, trust me. That is not a problem. Our little baker is more curious than you realize.”

Silence fills the room as I’m sure we’re all thinking about making this idea a reality.

“Alright.” The word comes out without a second thought as I move to stand. “Set the arrangements for tonight.”

Ithasto be tonight. After having her come to my office every single night, I’m fucking addicted. I won’t survive the weekend without her.

If I don’t itch this scratch soon, I’m going to go absolutely mad.


There’s something a bit ominous about this place. Club Sin.

“You’re sure this is the address?” The driver squints out of his window. “Not much back here in these parts.”

Good to see we’re both seeing this sight with our eyes correctly. Taking in Jake’s message once more, I slowly nod. Even if I’m getting these weird vibes, I promised him I’d meet him here.

Paying the man before leaving the vehicle, goosebumps prickle up against my skin from the cool late-night air.

Entering the building, it’s rather quiet. As the doors slide closed behind me, I find myself standing in a small lobby. Reminds me of a hotel somewhat. Not like a club at all.

Behind a counter, a few people turn to look my way. One woman is the first to stand, beckoning me to come over. Her lips are painted red, curving as I hesitantly do as I’m told.

“Do you have a reservation?” Her head tilts at my silence. “You must if you’ve come alone. Please, what is your name?”

“Um, Eloise Tanner?” Not sure if I should give Jake’s or not, the woman gives me a welcoming smile as she plays around with her computer.