Page 51 of Only Trick

“All right, give me all the highlights before we get to Trick’s,” Nana insists the moment she gets in my car.

“The highlights?” I laugh.

“Well, not the hanky-panky stuff … unless you want to tell me. It might surprise you to know that your nana was quite the little minx in her day.”

The genuine laughter and heartfelt love that bubbles out of my chest for my nana is the truest thing I’ve ever known. “Nana, nothing you could say would surprise me. You know you’re a rock star in my eyes.”

“And Trick?”

I sigh. “He’s … something.”

“But not really gay?”

I laugh. “Definitely not gay.” A warm tingle settles between my legs just thinking about all the ways Trick has demonstrated his heterosexuality to me. “He has a troubled past which has given him an aversion to women, so he and his home-wrecking friend, Grady, have been pretending to be partners to stave off unwanted attention. It’s complicated, weird, and even a little disturbing. I still haven’t wrapped my head around it.”

“He sounds like the trouble you need.” Nana rests her hand on my leg, giving a teasing squeeze.

“He’s trouble all right—troubled, dark, and sexy. I don’t recognize myself when I’m with him. He brings out my wild side…” Nana’s eyes perk up along with her wide grin “…and also a jealous side. I don’t like that side.”

“Jealousy, huh?”

Glancing sideways, I frown. “Yes, it’s toxic like the flu. I feel like crap when I allow it to sink its nasty claws into me. It’s so different with Trick. Not that I haven’t been in relationships before, I’ve just never felt the pangs of jealousy or neediness.”

“Neediness? Oh, dear child, you’re in deep. I never dreamed I’d see the day when my independent girl would feel needy.”

“I know! That’s just it. I almost had an emotional meltdown when Trick said he didn’t want to come to dinner. And then when he finally agreed to it, I sulked because I wanted him to want to go. What is that? Talk about messed up. I swore I’d never be that girl who plays mind games and gets her feelings hurt by the slightest confrontation, but that’s who I’ve become.”

“It’s called vulnerability, and it’s not always a bad thing. We have to open our hearts to allow love to find us and with that comes vulnerability, jealousy, and even your dreaded neediness. It’s all a front to protect us from our ultimate fear.”

“That being?”


Do I think Trick can cause me pain? Yes.

“I’ll text him we’re here.” I look down at my phone as Nana clears her throat.

“I don’t think that’s necessary.”

I look up and sure enough … he’s killing me. Who is this guy and what did he do with my Trick?

“Your boy cleans up real nice.”

That’s just it. I don’t want Trick “cleaned up” and looking like an imposter. I want tight short-sleeved T-shirts with lots of tattoos on display, badass leather wristbands, worn jeans, and black biker boots. I step out of the car as he approaches in his black suit and tie.

Fucking hell! He’s wearing a suit?

My capris, red halter top, and sandals feel way too casual in his presence.

“Hey, sexy.” He hugs me, lifting me off my feet.

“What are you doing?”

He sets me down. “Last I knew we were having dinner with your family.”

“I’m talking about your suit.” I gesture with my hand.

“I was underdressed the last time we went to your father’s for dinner, so I thought I’d step it up a notch. You don’t approve?”

I sigh and pull him to me by his jacket lapels. “I just want you to feel comfortable in your own skin around my family.”

He kisses me, soft and slow. “It’s a suit. My skin is the same underneath.” He bends closer to my ear. “I’ll show you all of it later.”

Lovely, there goes my dry panties!

We both turn to the tapping sound on the window. Nana smiles, pointing to her watch.

“We’d better get going.”

Trick opens my door and then gets in the backseat.

“Hello, young man. I can sit in back if you’d like to sit up front.” Nana works her charming smile even though she has no intention of getting in back.

“Hello again, Grace. Thank you for the offer, but I’m fine back here.”

“Suit yourself.”

I choke on my own laughter as I glance at Trick in the rearview mirror. He might not see the humor, but all I can think about are the numerous occasions he has told me to “suit yourself.”

“I heard you’re not gay after all.”

“Nana!” I grip the wheel and grit my teeth.

Trick’s lips twitch when I glance back, completely horrified. “I heard that too.” He’s a damn glacier back there while I’m self-combusting one Nana comment at a time. This is going to be … One. Long. Ride.

Chapter Eighteen

As Trick opens my door, I expect to see blood dripping down his neck. Nana talked both of his ears off the whole way here. Aside from the sexual orientation clarification, it was mostly about how she and my grandfather met and how hard he worked right up until he died.