Page 97 of Only Trick

I smile, remembering the Don and Donna incident.

“Deep down my brother has a heart of gold, but he’s always jumped at opportunities that are mutually beneficial.”

Tamsen sits up and turns toward me, resting her feet on the ground. “Truthfully, it was easy for both of us to want to help Trick. He was so lost and helpless, like a child. Beneath the addiction and questionable actions, he’s a good guy, and in some ways we’ve felt like the memory loss was his chance to start over. I know it sounds crazy, but I can’t help but wonder if it was fate that he and Grady’s paths crossed that night.”


The biker boys return and Trick heads straight upstairs to draw. I’ve been spoiled having all of his attention, but now that his bike is here and he’s started drawing again, I’m going to have to learn to share. By six I check on him to see if he plans on joining us for dinner. What I don’t expect is for the door to the spare bedroom to be locked.



“Can I come in?”

“Just a sec.”


“Whatcha need?” He smiles, opening the door, but just a crack.

I bob my head side to side to see past him. “What are you drawing?”

He scrapes his teeth over his bottom lip. “Well, I’ve been trying to draw you.”

“Me?” My eyes go wide to match my grin. “Let me see.” I step forward, but he blocks me.

“You can’t. Not until it’s done.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t like people looking at my work before it’s finished.”

I never took Trick to be the self-conscious type. He’s as cocky as they come with everything else, but with the one thing he has every right to be cocky about he shows vulnerability.

“Am I naked in the picture?” I raise a single brow.


“Oh … that’s … interesting.”

He nods.

“Well, we’re going to dinner. Are you ready?”

He grimaces. “Would you be too mad if I skipped out tonight? I’m at real critical point and I don’t want to lose my focus by leaving.”

I shrug. “Okay, I guess. You must be in the zone?”

He nods.

“Can we bring you back something?”

“Nah, I’ll grab a snack later.”

I feel my lips pulling into a frown, but I make a quick recovery so he doesn’t see my disappointment. “Well, I’ll see you later then.” I lean forward for a kiss just as he shuts the door … In. My. Face!

“Have a good time,” he hollers from the other side of the door.

It would appear as if the honeymoon is over.

“Trick’s not going,” I announce at the bottom of the stairs.

“Come on, we don’t need him. Besides I think it’s great that he’s engulfed in his art again.” Grady offers me his arm and I take it with a forced smile.

“What’s he working on?” Tamsen asks.


“He’s drawing you?” Grady gasps.

“That’s what he said.”

“God, this love-hate relationship I have with you just keeps getting more intense.”

I squint at Tamsen as we get in my car.

“Grady’s been trying to get Trick to sketch him for years … nude, I’m sure.” We laugh but Grady slumps into the backseat with a pouty face. “But Trick won’t do it.”

I pull out of the drive. “Don’t feel too bad, Grady. Trick’s not sketching me nude either. He’s sketching me sleeping.”

“Yeah, but probably in the nude,” Grady grumbles.


I’m sad to see Grady and Tamsen leave. They’re starting to feel like my family as well. Yesterday, Tamsen kept to her promise and had brunch with Wes while Grady and I took an eco-tour of Todos Santos. Trick? Well, he’s been locked up in the guest bedroom, including sleeping in it. He insisted Tamsen and I have our girls’ slumber party—for two nights.

“Take care of our boy.” Grady hugs me and I feel like he’s my “big brother” too. “Wander up the coast and see me sometime. It’s a fantastic drive.”

“We will.”

Tamsen pulls me in for a hug. “Love you, sweetie. I’m sure you’re missing Trick, but our girl time the past couple days has been the absolute best.”

“I couldn’t agree more. Are you sure you don’t want to move down here with us?”

Tamsen laughs. “Maybe when my prince charming sweeps me off my feet. Besides, I’m going to text you every day; you’ll be glad I’m not here so at least you can shut off your phone when you get tired of hearing from me.”

“Okay, ladies. Enough already. I’ve got a plane to catch.”

“Did Trick open the door when you went up to tell him goodbye?”

Both Grady and Tamsen shake their heads. “He just hollered ‘thanks for coming.’”

Tamsen laughs. “At least you can’t be mad at him; he’s still sort of spending time with you.”

“Or he’s cheating on you with you.” Grady snickers as they walk out the door.

The house takes on an immediate silence … loneliness. All I keep thinking about is the approximate two hundred hours that it can take Trick to complete a drawing. I have no idea how much he’s been sleeping, but I doubt it’s that much. Maybe if I’m lucky I might get to see him in another week or two.