Page 59 of Only Trick

I spy a black Escalade along the street in front of my house as I turn to pull in back. It would seem that Rachel just happened to already be in the city. Stalking me.

My front door buzzes at the exact moment I walk in though my back door. I should rush to let her in; it’s starting to rain outside. Instead, I change into my workout clothes while the door continues to buzz at annoying intervals.

“Rachel.” I greet her with an innocent smile as if I just now heard the door buzz.

“Darby.” She ushers past me without an invite inside. “We need to talk.”

“So you said in your text.” I shut the door and follow her into the formal living room.

Rachel makes herself at home on the love seat, legs off to the side, crossed at the ankles, and hands folded on her lap. “I … well, Cal and I don’t want you to see Trick anymore.”

Damn! She’s got a big-ass pair of balls under that black pencil skirt of hers.

My eyelashes flutter a bit as I smile. I’m buying time for my brain to formulate a thought-out response that doesn’t involve the words fuck you. “Wow, that’s a mighty big request.” I step to the couch, resting my hands on the back of it opposite her, fingers digging into the mustard fabric.

“You’re too smart, Darby, to play dumb with me. This isn’t Cal’s first election, and you know that rogue family members can end a political career.”

My neck and jaw stiffen; my temperature soars. “Rogue? Really, you’re going with that?”

“Don’t be so defensive. Everything was how it should be when you were with Steven, but now you’ve dragged this guy home whom we know nothing about. He could have a real disaster of career-ending skeletons in his closet.”

“Wow!” I jerk my head back. “Don’t worry about Darby’s happiness. God! That’s been the story of my life, but not anymore.” I shove my feet into my tennis shoes and bend down to tie them. “You can tell Cal that he doesn’t even have my vote, so he sure as hell doesn’t have a say in who I choose to love. Half my genes, that’s all he has, and most days I wish he didn’t even have that.” I straighten my posture, crossing my arms over my chest.

Rachel stands, rubbing her hands over the front of her skirt. Her lips curl into Satan’s smile, then it slips. “Love?” she jeers, pinning me with a piercing look. “You’re going to get your heart crushed, little girl.” She inches closer. “Guys like Trick aren’t capable of love. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.” Pulling on her coat, she walks to the front door then turns as she buttons the last button. “Cut him loose, Darby. I’m not asking.”

My muscles quiver with anger. She’s judging Trick without merit the way people have judged me my whole life.

Fuck her!

Darby the doormat, no longer. Rogue? They haven’t seen anything yet.

I turn up the music so I can actually feel it, then I hop on my bike and ride until my heart threatens to collapse along with the rest of my body.


My takeout arrives just as I finish drying my hair. A hard hour of cycling leaves me ready to pass out on the sofa. Fixing my own dinner? Not happening.

My phone chimes the minute I plunk my tired ass down with my Chinese box in hand.


I lumber to my feet again and grab my phone before plopping back down in my seat. “Hey!” I feel guilty for scowling at my phone when I see Trick’s photo on my screen.

“Hey, sexy. Miss me?”

“I do, and why is that? Grady says jump and you say how high?” New bolder Darby emerges with a sassy attitude after my earlier confrontation with Rachel. It wasn’t that long ago that I was a conformist in the Don’t Make Waves Club.

“His friend is short a makeup artist for a movie that they’re filming. She went into labor yesterday. Anyway, her assistant was going to step in since she’s been mentored for almost a year, but I guess she wasn’t as ready as they had hoped. So I’m here filling in.”

I pick at my lo mein noodles with chopsticks. “You’re trying to tell me that in all of Los Angeles, there wasn’t another person who could fill in?”

“And still allow Grady to be the one who ‘saved the day?’ No.”

“He’s doing this to impresses his friend, by which I assume you mean lover.”

Trick laughs. “You’re sharp.”

“How long?”

“A week, maybe two. They’re almost done filming.”

“What about your clients?”

“Grady took care of my schedule.”

“He’s like your makeup pimp.”

“It’s a job. With Grady I always have a job.”

“Yeah, Grady’s a real peach. By the way, I never did ask you why Tamsen was working with you when she came here to visit. She’s a paramedic, correct?”