Page 102 of Only Trick

“I trust you I just don’t trust—”

“No! Declan has done nothing wrong. When you act crazy jealous for no good reason, all it says to me is that you don’t trust me, not Declan!” I continue stomping my way home.

I know he doesn’t see the difference. All that’s probably going on in his head is the jealousy I’ve shown when women have groped him. But Declan has never once said or done anything inappropriate. If he did then Trick would have my blessing to put him in his place.


As I walk in our back door my phone rings.


“Hey, sweetie. Is … everything okay?” Tamsen’s soothing voice dampers my temper.

“Fine.” Then it hits me. “Why do you ask?”

“No reason. Just checking in that’s all.” She’s doing a terrible job at feigning innocence.

“You must know about the picture, huh?”


Just as Tamsen starts to speak, Trick walks in the back door, watching me with cautious apprehension.

“Um … yes, I did hear about it.” I can envision the grimace on her face.

“I just saw it this morning. He’s very talented.” I don’t back down from Trick’s gaze. He obviously told her and or Grady about it, so we might as well all have a discussion about it.

“You’re upset and you have every right to be. I haven’t seen it. Grady told me about it and I can’t believe Trick lied to you.”

“Oh he didn’t. It was me. It’s always me misunderstanding what he’s saying. He was trying to draw me.” I cock my head to the side, glaring at him. “Now that I think about it, he’s not that talented after all, because the drawing doesn’t look anything like me. I guess we should consider it an epic failure.”

“He loves you. I’m not condoning his behavior, but I know he loves you and his biggest fear is losing you to the reality of his past. He’s lost everything that’s mattered to him, including part of his memory.”

I hear her words, I really do. More than that, I feel her words. I know in time I’ll realize my reaction is more from pain than anger, but I’m not there yet. I’m still crumbling.

“I know.”

“He’s there, isn’t he?”


“I’ll let you go. I love you, sweetie. I love you both, and I know you’ll get past this. Okay?”

“Thanks, Tamsen. Love you too.”

I press End and set my phone down, letting my eyes follow it. Trick rests his hand over mine. Just his touch squeezes my heart to the point of pain.

“I don’t want to talk about it. I need to be angry, and hurt, and irrational … just for a while.” I look up at him with tears in my eyes. “Can you give me that much?”

There’s so much pain in his eyes as he nods. “Come.” He grabs our shoes and leads me outside to the carport. He does his signature hair twist, pulls on my helmet, and I nearly cry from his touch as he palms my ass bringing me closer.

God, I need his touch.

We sail off into the warm breeze and this is exactly what I need—no words, just the comfort of his nearness that I’ve been so lonely without over the past week. With each passing mile, my arms tighten around him and I begin to feel the heaviness in my heart lifting, falling behind with the wind. Our connection is indisputable. My love for him is haunting … I’ve crossed this line and there’s no going back. We ride for what seems like hours, and I wonder if he fears the loss of my touch when we get home the way I do his.

Eventually we arrive home; we can’t run forever. Trick shuts off the engine. He removes his helmet then takes mine. As I begin to walk toward the house, he grabs my arm with a gentle hold, turning me around. His hands go straight into my hair. I close my eyes and feel his breath over my face.


I release a breath and the last of my anger because I no longer need it. “Husband,” I whisper just as his lips touch mine.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

I wake alone in our bed, nothing new. Trick held me last night. It wasn’t sexual, it was just love. We didn’t say much and that was the apology I needed. I asked for time and he gave it to me. Now I feel alone, and the threads that mended my heart last night threaten to break at the thought of him back in that room drawing her.

I close my eyes and draw in a shaky breath.

“My wife’s favorite.”

Opening my eyes, Trick walks through the door with eggs and jellied toast. A genuine, I-love-this-man grin steals my face and it feels like forever since it’s been there. Sitting up, I take the plate from him.

Swiping my finger through the jelly running off the edge of the toast, I wink at him. “You’re my favorite.” I lick the jelly off.