Mrs. Griffin Calloway is Morgan’s teacher—her first and only nanny.

“Right?” Morgan nudges me.

“Sorry. What did you say?”

She sighs. “I said my teacher is really pretty. Don’t you think?”

I grin, unable to take my eyes off her. “Yes. She’s beautiful.”

Mrs. Calloway—Swayze—glances up. She just … stares for several seconds before the biggest grin takes over her face, and she shoulders her way through the small crowd, heading straight toward me.

Fuck …

If she cries, I’m going to—

Too late.

She blinks and several tears run down her face two seconds before she throws her arms around my neck. “I couldn’t believe it,” she whispers next to my ear, keeping a death grip around my neck. “When I saw the name Morgan Hunt, I just … was too afraid to hope it was true.”

“Missed you,” I whisper past the lump in my throat.

She pulls away and looks at Morgan, who closes her hanging jaw when realization hits her. She’s seen all the post cards of Swayze and her family.

“Oh my gosh … you’re her.”

Swayze nods. “Can I hug you?”

Morgan smiles. “I like hugs.”

And just like that … eight years vanish. Two of my favorite girls have been reunited. Everything should feel right in the world, but it’s not. It’s close, though, and close might be as good as it gets for me.

Swayze shows Morgan around the classroom and her desk. She helps her unpack her supplies—something I’m not allowed to do—and she introduces her to some of her classmates. I’m sure Swayze will love every one of her students, but I know she will have a favorite, and I kind of love it. I love that my daughter’s first experience in public school will be under the watchful eye of the woman who I trusted most with my tiny baby ten years ago.

Again … fate’s not perfect, but at this moment it feels close.

“Let’s let Sway—” I catch myself. “Mrs. Calloway spend some time with the other parents and students.” I rest my hand on Morgan’s shoulder and smile at Swayze.

“Okay. I’m so excited for Monday!” Morgan can barely contain her emotions.

“Me too.” Swayze winks at her. Then she points at me, eyes narrowed. “Dinner tomorrow. I won’t take no for an answer. We have a lot of catching up to do.”

“Oh! Can I come?”

I tug on Morgan’s ponytail. “Not tomorrow. Grown-up time tomorrow. Kids another time.”

“Yes, absolutely. I can’t wait for you to meet my girls.”

“Well, you have my number. I had to fill out a million forms with my number on it.”

Swayze laughs. “I do. I’ll text you later after I inform my grease monkey that he’s on dad duty tomorrow night.”

“Sounds good. Goodnight.”

Swayze gives me a tiny smile and head shake before sighing and whispering, “Professor Hunt … in the flesh.”

I take a chapter from Morgan’s book and roll my eyes before turning and following Morgan out of the room.



I get my first letter from Morgan a week after she starts school. Gabe gets one too. His is longer. I’m envious of his long letter, and he’s envious of my short one. Go figure …

Dear Gracelyn,

We have a house—an actual home. I don’t have to mark off days until we move again, and Dad put a tire swing in the backyard. I said I wanted a pool, but supposedly there are too many trees. He’s thinking a tree house instead. I guess he and his best friend, Daisy, had one when they were young, but it wasn’t on their property. He wants it to be where he can “keep an eye on me.” Some things never change.

My teacher is Mrs. Calloway. She was my nanny after I was born. My dad tried to explain that she has part of Daisy’s soul inside of her that gives her some of Daisy’s memories. He said she made him a believer in reincarnation. I like that. Wouldn’t it be really cool if one of my friends turned out to be my mom reincarnated? I hope it’s not Candace. She’s not nice. It’s been one week, and she’s already had to go to the principal’s office twice. Eleanor, goes by Elle, is my best friend right now, but it’s early. Dad said to just be cool and get to know all of my classmates, except for the boys. He said I should stay away from the boys. I have my eye on Able right now because he sits next to me at lunch since his last name is Iqbal and we sit in ABC order. How crazy is that? When I told Dad, he said, “Welcome to the herd.”

That’s all I’ve got for now. You should write me back and tell me if Gabe’s been in trouble at school yet because I know he won’t tell me. Also, make sure to follow me on TikTok and IG. I’ve been posting lots of pictures and videos with my new friends. Of course, they have actual phones that don’t require Wi-Fi to work.