“Uh … Dad …”

Pushing the shirt down as far as it will go, I turn slowly.

“You’re back.” He clears his throat and races to give her a hug as she drops her bag on the floor. “Early … why are you back early?”

She pulls away, eyeing me with … well, I’m not sure what that look is on her face. Confusion and something else. Please tell me she didn’t see her dad’s penis in my mouth … me stroking and licking it. Please … please … please …

“You’re wearing my dad’s shirt.”

I glance down as if it’s news to me. “Yeah. I … uh … I got locked out of my house and fell into the water, so your dad loaned me a shirt.” That about covers it.

“Mr. Hans gave my dad a key to your house.”

Smart little shit.

“Oh!” Nate dramatically slaps his palm against his forehead. “He did. I totally forgot. My mind was all over the place with you leaving so quickly.” He glances back at me. “Sorry … I had a key all this time.”

Biting my lips together, my eyes flare as I nod. “Mmm-hmm. Well, I’m just going to run home.”

Morgan’s untrusting gaze shifts back to Nate.

Thank god.

“Hunter got sick. Food poisoning in the middle of the night. Her parents took her home, so Mr. Hans decided we should head home too.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re home safely.”

I sneak past her as she narrows her eyes at him. She knows … she’s ten, but she knows. She’s not blind. And that image will never leave her brain. Me and my stupid need to bring him condoms last night. Not only am I on course to destroy Gabe’s childhood, I’m set to ruin Morgan’s as well.

When I slip in the deck door, I hear Mr. Hans whistling from the office, probably unpacking, so I sprint upstairs. My luck has taken a tiny upswing. Gabe’s in his room, unpacking his bag with his back to me, so I make it to my room and ease the door shut without making a sound. When I’m safe in the bathroom and plopped onto the toilet to pee (because Morgan nearly scared it out of me), I can’t hide my grin. Closing my eyes, I brush my fingers over my lips. Nate is still on my skin, stuck to my lips, and lingering on my tongue. And the image of him stretching his head back and the moan that vibrated from his chest is etched into my brain forever.

Sadly, Gabe will never be able to hang out with Morgan again. If she saw and understood what was happening in the kitchen, she will tell him. Secrets are not her strong suit.



I was quick. I’m fairly certain I covered my junk before Morgan saw it, but she’s been quiet all day, knitting from the recliner while I work on my book. It’s the looks. When I glance up, I catch her glaring at me. Maybe I should say something, but if she didn’t see anything, if she’s not sure what was happening when she got home, do I dare spell it out for her?


I think not.

“I’m going over to see Gabe.” She shoves her yarn and needles into her canvas bag.


“Um …” She stands. “Because we’re friends.”

I play it cool, keeping my eyes on my notebook. “You spent two days with him. Maybe he needs a break.”

“No. He doesn’t.”

“Maybe you should tell me more about your time at Disney. You were really excited on the phone, but since you’ve been home, you haven’t said anything.” I risk a glance up at her.

She frowns and sighs.

It’s coming. I know it. Eight years of being on my very best behavior won’t matter. I kissed the nanny in the hallway when Morgan was a baby sleeping in her crib. That’s been my biggest indiscretion up until now.

“I need to ask you something.” She turns her back to me and crosses her arms over her chest.

This is new.

I close my notebook and lean forward, resting my arms on my knees, hands folded. “I’m listening.”

“Can we go to the store?”

I wait a few seconds to answer because I’m not sure I heard her correctly. “Sure.”

“Ugh!” She covers her face with her hands. “I started my period on the way home. I’m using a wad of toilet paper right now, but I need other stuff.”

Well, shit … I didn’t see that coming. No third degree over what she did or didn’t see in the kitchen. She got her first period.

“That’s great.”

“It’s not great!” She whips around. “I need a mom!”

My head jerks backward. I don’t want to make Jenna’s nonexistent role in Morgan’s life seem insignificant, but we’ve made it this far. I think I can handle a box of sanitary napkins.

“Listen, Squirt—”