“Yes! Gabe, wait until you see my dad. He could have played in the NHL. He’s so good.”

A cocky grin settles onto Nate’s face. I don’t exactly hate it.

Gabe shrugs. “Gracelyn has hockey sticks tattooed on the back of her neck. She and my dad played too, but she’s probably as good as your dad.”

I frown at Gabe. “You’ve never seen me play. How can you jump to that horrible conclusion?”

Gabe smirks behind his bottle of juice.

“Oh! Let me see your tattoo? I want a tattoo so badly, but Dad says I have to wait until he’s dead. I know that’s just code for eighteen.”

I turn and push my hair up again. The shorter length just barely covers it.

“That is so cool. See, Dad, not all people who get tattoos are crazy.”

Nate finds his own frown, giving Morgan a firm scowl. “Go get ready.”

“Go change your clothes, Guac. I’m going to change mine.”

They run off, leaving me to deal with a guy who abhors technology and possibly tattoos.

“Crazy, huh?” I push off the counter and plant myself right in front of him.

Peering down at me, his lips twitch. “If you didn’t think they’re a little crazy, then yours wouldn’t be hidden.”

I got them in my early twenties. And their placement has a lot to do with my mom not seeing them. I didn’t think they were crazy at the time; I just didn’t want her to go crazy. They’re intimate. Very few people have seen all three of them. Brandon saw them a week after I got the last one. The unveiling was very seductive and led to a long night where he showed no signs of a weak heart.

“Hmm…” my focus locks on his lips “…maybe you’re right. Maybe you’re wrong.”

“What are they? A puck? Hearts? An infinity symbol with the name of your first love?”

“You’ll never know. I’m going to change my clothes … maybe stare at my secret tattoos for a while.” I brush past him.

“Fine,” he says, following me toward the stairs. “While I wait for everyone to get ready, I might go stare at my naked self in the mirror too.” He pushes open the door.

At the last second, halfway up the stairs, I glance over my shoulder.

“There it is.” He grins as if he was waiting for me to turn around.

“Go before your head doesn’t fit through the doorway.” I continue up the stairs.


“Come on, Guac. I’ll hold your hand.” Morgan grabs his hand. I’m not sure he needs her help, but he doesn’t pull away. Maybe he likes her more than he cares to admit.

I finish lacing up my skates and stand while Nate follows right behind me. “Show me your moves, Elvis.” He stops at the threshold to the ice and waits for me to go first.

“In all fairness, it’s been several years since I’ve been on the ice.” I tug my pink sweatshirt down, feeling a little self-conscious in my black leggings.

Nate seems to like them. Whenever I look at him, he’s checking out my legs.

“Stop with the excuses.” He nods for me to go.

I roll my eyes and take off. There are only four other people here besides us. A man and a woman with their two girls who look a few years younger than Gabe and Morgan. They’re racing along the ice and spinning in circles like they came out of the womb doing toe jumps and salchows. The mom hangs out by the wall like she’s not too steady on skates while the dad glides with confidence, holding up his phone to record the girls.

Thankfully, I feel confident even with the time lapse. Gabe has escaped Morgan’s hold on him, staying a few feet behind her as she skates forward and backward, talking his ear off.

“How’s the ankle?” Nate catches up to me.

I give him the side-eye and shrug. “It’s fine.”

“Race you, Dad.” Morgan zooms up beside Nate.

“One … two … go!” he yells before sprinting to the other side of the rink.

“You didn’t say three! Cheater!” She chases after him. He slows up at the last minute to let her win.

I turn and wait for Gabe. “So your dad did teach you to skate.”

“Some. I like Rollerblading better.”

“I like it too. We should do it together sometime.”

Another shrug. “Okay.”

“Lift me, Dad!” Morgan skates toward Nate, and he grabs her waist, lifting her above his head while skating backward. She stretches her arms and legs out in a long line.

“That’s pretty cool,” Gabe mumbles.

“Can you lift me up?” I ask.

He snorts and shakes his head. “If you want to kill both of us.”

“Did you see me, Guac?” Morgan rushes over toward us after Nate puts her down.

“Yeah. I saw.” He totally downplays his reaction to her.

“He gasped and said it was pretty cool.” I wink at Morgan.

Her face lights up. Gabe shakes his head. “I did not.” He gives me a death glare before they skate off in the other direction.