Not today. Gracelyn earns this smile from me, and she has no clue what a huge breakthrough this is in my life.

“Well, you’re welcome too.” She narrows her eyes a bit.

Yes, Elvis … I know you’re fishing for a thank-you from me, but I’m not feeling the haircut gratitude at the moment.

While I adjust my hat as a reminder of what transpired this morning, her gaze flits from my hand making the adjustment to my unblinking eyes.

She clears her throat. “Well … I’ll see you around.” Turning on her heel, she scurries out of the house, leaving me with this ridiculous grin.

I can’t wait to see her around. If I can make a specific request, I’d like to see more of her after-work routine and less of her with clippers in her hand.



“I’ve never seen him like this. I don’t even recognize him,” Morgan’s voice wafts through the paper walls.

I grab my phone from the nightstand to check the time. It’s a few minutes before eight on a Saturday morning. Don’t kids sleep in anymore? I used to sleep in on the weekends when I was their age. The three plus decades I have on them doesn’t change my desire to sleep in on the weekend.

“He looks like someone in the military. I mean … he has hair, it’s just really short,” Morgan continues without using her library voice.

I bolt to sitting, running my hands through my hair. The haircut fiasco yesterday.

Shit! They had to buzz Nate’s hair … because of me. That’s what she’s talking about; it has to be what she’s talking about.

Throwing on shorts and a tee in record time, I open the bedroom door.

“Hi, Gracelyn.” Morgan smiles from her usual spot on the brown leather sofa next to Gabe. She likes to watch him play video games and talk his ear off. I think deep down he likes her, but he’s playing it cool.

Gabe? He ignores me. His usual behavior in the morning when he’s in the zone. I can’t wait for school to start so I don’t feel like such a failure letting him play games all day long.

“Good morning, Morgan.” I return a smile.

“I tried to tell him he’s going to rot his brain, and he should take a break and let me play for a bit.” Morgan rolls her eyes.

Gabe doesn’t react.

I ease into the recliner next to the sofa, tucking my legs beneath me. “I don’t think your dad wants you having a turn at rotting your brain.”

“Dude …” Gabe sighs without taking his eyes off the TV. “I can hear you. I’m not rotting my brain.”

I wink at Morgan and she giggles.

“What’s your dad doing?” I have to ask.

“He just got home from jogging, so he’s probably on the porch doing push-ups and stuff like that. Wait until you see his hair. It’s gone! All gone.”

I cringe.

“Well…” she twists her mouth “…it’s not all gone as in literally. It’s just so short. The guy who fixed it said he had no choice but to go that short after you messed up the back. He said … wait—” She covers her mouth with her hand. “Never mind.”

“He said what?” I cant my head, hugging my arms to my chest.

“I’m not supposed to tell you. It’s just hard to keep so many secrets from you.”

I release an easy laugh. “So many secrets? How many secrets are you keeping from me?”

With wide eyes, Morgan bites her lips together and shrugs.

“If you share one or two of these secrets with me, Gabe will let you play that for fifteen minutes.”

“No. I won’t.” Gabe disputes my promise.

“Yes. He will. If he wants me to take him to the park later to play Fishy with his friends, he’ll let you have a turn.”

“Fishy?” Morgan turns her attention to Gabe. “What’s Fishy? You could invite me. I love games.”

“What did your dad say that you’re not supposed to tell me?” I don’t really care about Fishy. I want to know Nate’s secrets.

“Just stuff to not make you feel bad. He said it’s okay to keep secrets if it’s to protect someone’s feelings.”

“You don’t have to protect my feelings. I can take it.”

“Fine.” She sighs. “But don’t tell him I told you.”

I make an X over my chest.

“He said he feels sorry for your clients if you ever have to use the clippers. The guy cutting his hair laughed. When Dad noticed I heard him, he said not to repeat it. He said he shouldn’t have said it, but I think that’s code for he thinks he shouldn’t have said it in front of me. Like when he uses a swear word.”

Of course, he and some other guy enjoyed a laugh on my behalf. So typical.

“That’s it? That’s what he was worried you’d tell me?”

Her nose wrinkles. “Well, maybe one other thing. He thinks it would make you feel bad if you knew that we see you undressing when you get home from work.”